New home

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Quackity POV:

I woke up with a massive headache. I opened my eyes and saw I wasn't at my house. I panicked and tried getting out of bed but I was chained to the bed. I smelled the air and I realized I was at an Alphas house. I curled up into a ball and tried not to be loud. Without realizing I was whimpering because of how scared I had become. After a while, I noticed someone walking into the room. I looked up to see the same guy from the bar.

"Did you need something?" He asked

"Why am I here...I want to go home.."

I walked closer to me which made me try to curl up more

"I brought you here to sell off."

I felt my heart beat even faster

"Please let me go.."

"From what I remember yesterday you were all over me and wanted to be with me."

I started to remember what had happened yesterday...It was weird because I would never allow myself to become like that. 

"So is there anything you need before I go?"


"Fine be like that ungrateful Omega."

Schlatt slammed the door on his way out. I smelled some of the pillows and blankets I had on the bed and they smelled just like Schlatt. 'there probably his or something.' I tried staying calm and going to sleep but couldn't.


I closed the door to Quackitys room and made my way upstairs. I was originally going to sell off Quackity to any high-paying alphas but after seeing how he was I think I'll wait a bit.

"Hey, boss how's your little guest doing?"

"eh. Could be going worse." I responded

"Well, we have a lot of alpha requesting an omega."

"Great let's go over some of them."

Quackity POV

I heard the door nob twist open and in came a teenager but almost an adult-looking guy.

"Oh. So you're the new guy?"


I saw him sniff the air and look back at me

"A male Omega? You guys are rare!"

He tried reaching out for me but I flinched and curled up in the corner. He then backed away after hearing me whimper. Just then Schlatt walked back in.

"Tubbo I told you to not enter his room!"

"Oh sorry, dad I was just-"


Tubbo left the room and closed the door behind him.

"Sorry about him. I guess he was just interested in who I brought this time."

"This time?..."

SHIT he's done this to multiple Omegas? Who is he gonna sell me off to?

"It's been a while since you last ate. Are you hungry?"

I felt my stomach rumble a bit. So I slowly nodded my head yes.

"I'll have someone go out to get you food.-" 

Schlatt was about to open the door to leave


He paused and looked over at me.

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