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Quackity POV:

During the car ride I couldn't really open my eyes fully or move around due to the pain in my leg. I felt Oliver kissing and licking my scent gland. I didn't have the strength left to shove him off so I with the little strength I had I tried moving away.  


I flustered my eyes open to find myself hund cuffed to the wall with my wound still open. 

"Someone...Anyone? Please help me.."

I tried moving but the floor was too rough and I didn't want to remind myself of the pain my leg was in. I could only feel myself begin to become hungy and tired because of how much energy I used tried to tug at the hand chains. I tried finding comfort in digging my nose in my own shirt trying to pick up on Schlatt's scent but I could only pick up on my EX's scent. 


After I made sure all my members were alright and we tended to any injuries. I couldn't help but pace in place wondering about my mate's whereabouts.

"Dad?" Tubbo said as he broke my pacing


"I know your very worried about him but- You need to rest for a bit before you start searching-"

"I can't bare to relax when he can be anywhere being harmed.."

"But Dad-"

I walked over to my Alpha son and placed by hand on his shoulder trying to keep myself from letting my anger to get the best of me which Quackity would have wanted.

"He's my mate Tubbo. I love him with all my heart-...when you have a mate in the future you'll understand too"

Tubbo looked surprised to my calmness to him and me saying I love Quackity for the first time out loud. 

"Ok but please just eat something at least-"

I nodded and took a bite from the food Tubbo brought. I called a meeting to order to make a plan in order to find Quackity and bring him back safely

During the night I couldn't get much sleep without Quackity since he would ease my tenseness by fidgeting with my hair



I whined and yelped from the pain I was hungry and I couldn't move anymore. I closed my eyes and heard the door bust open.

"Good morning hon~ Sorry did you not get much sleep on the hard floor?"

He walked over and put his hand on my chin for me to look up at him. He tried kissing me but I pulled away.

"Ss-hlatt. Please..."

"LITTLE BRAT!" He said as he slapped my face

"Not to worry I've bought something that can help"

Oliver pulled out a needle with something in it. I tried shuffling back but had nowhere to go. 

"You won't think of him much longer~" 


I packed a black bag that contained food, water, first aid, and some change of clothes for Quackity once we reacued him.

"boss everythings ready-"

"Thank you Fundy"

Fundy looked surprised and walked outside.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 04 ⏰

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