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This is a filler bc idk when I'll be back from Texas and cruelty of grandparent

I'm going braindead help

btw i forgot their names again so im just gonna use their names for rn


finney: GUYS ITS CHRISTMAS!!!!!!!!!!!

vance: no shit really?!


vance: i was being sarcastic dip shit


vance: yes darling?

bruce: wanna make christmas cookies with me?

vance: omw

bruce: yay!

finney: robin :(

robin: im coming

finney: coming is a funny word. it sounds like cuming lol

robin: ya haha im at your door.


billy: griffin?

griffin: ya?

billy: can you come over? i have a present for youuu

griffin: im on my way.

billy: ok love you get here safely

griffin:love you too!


im typing on my chromebook so idk if that line was longer than i wanted or not


with bruce and vance

" I'm gonna put on music." Vance told bruce as he turned on 'Lovers rock' by tv girl.

(A/N : i literally love that song like pls someone marry me with Lovers rock as th wedding music 🙏)

"ok the cookies are ready to go." bruce said as he put the cookie dough into the oven.

"do we even have sprinkles for the cookies? or frosting?" vance asked bruce while looking in the pantry for the items.

"ummmmmm.... i don't think we do?" bruce said as if it was a question, unsure if the delightful objects were in the pantry he went to look as well.

  "nope, no icing or sprinkles, wanna go to the store once the cookies are done you know, so we dont burn them?" vance asked his lover who had a shine in his eyes like no other.

" sure, just don't kick the kids there like last time." bruce answered turning to vance.

" it's not my fault the kid called me goldie locks." vance replied leaning on the wall.

" ya but you didn't have to kick the toddler right infront of his mother?!" bruce exclaimed.

"fine I wont kick children anymore." vance replied walking into the kitchen as the love of his life follows him like a cute little puppy.


with finney and robin

"so you want to make mug cakes? with candy canes as straws? and gummy bears with wipped cream on top?" robin asked as finney nodded uncontrolably.

"YES!!!! AND WE COULD AD OREOS ONTOP OF THE WIPPED CREAM AND WE COULD CRUSH UP MORE CANDY CANES ON TOP OF THAT AND AND AND AND-" before finney could think of another idea robin had one for him.

"how about we stop there? we could do all of those things first, we just have to go to the store."

"OK!!!" finney said as he rushed to the door to put on his shoes.

robin smiled at his lover, who was focused on tying his shoes, wondering how did he deserve a wonderful love like this? he was just a boy, a boy that beat up other boys, a boy who was openly a fag, a boy that would grow out of these childish games and get married to a beautiful and charming man, he was hoping that that outstading man would be finney, the love he never had before until that fateful day they met.

"you coming?" finney asked robin as he opened the door, letting the cold breeze in.

"yes i am my prince charming." robin said as he took a quick but elegant bow, then took finneys hand and they both ran their way to the store for their desired ingredients.


with billy and griffin

griifin rang the doorbell to billys house as he hid billys present behind his back, billy opened the door and greeted griffin inside.

"wheres your parents?" griffin asked billy as he sat down on the sofa.

"my mom went to go grab a check from the bank and my dad is working."

"oh. well i got a present for you!" griffin exclaimed joyfully as he got up and handed it to billy.

"awww, you didnt have to. heres yours." billy handed griffins present to him.

they both tore through the wrapping paper to reveal what layed behind it.

"A NINTENDO SWITCH!!!! THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU!!!!" griffin jumped in glee then he walked over towards billy and cupped his face and kissed him.

"glad you like it." billy said with the most stupid smile he has ever had on his face, but he just couldn't help it. Ever since griffin came along his heart has melted over and over again. small affectionate things like a hug or even holding hands would brighten billys mood knowing his mom couldnt even give him any attention or affection as a child or even now.

(A/N: people with mommy issues are hot (excluding me) lol)

"open mine now!" griffin told billy with a big bright smile.

" ok ok!" billy sighed with a chuckle. as he was unwrapping it he wondered what layed behind all of this wrapping paper? but those thoughts didnt last long as he revealed a sketchbook with the finest paper and a little pack of drawing pencils that came with a pencil sharpener and an eraser.

"i know its small and all but i know you love sketching things so i thought i would buy you this." griffin said rubbing the back of his neck.

"griffin..." billy said in tears as he hugged his lover.

"thank you." he finally got the words out that he wanted to say, thankful that he has a love like griffin.

griffin started rubbing circles into billys back trying to get him to stop tearing up, feeling happy that his lover apreciated (i suck at spelling forgive me🥲)
and that he wasnt like his last love.

"wanna watch the nightmare before christmas?" griffin asked billy.

"yes please." billy replied, wiping the tears from his eyes.

"ok, ill go ahead and make popcorn." griffin proceeded to the kitchen to discover there was no popcorn.

"we'll have to go to the store for popcorn." billy said rubbing the back of his neck emmbarassed.

"alright then, get your shoes on." griffin told him as he grabbed his keys and put his shoes back on. (i forgot they were 16 in this story lol)


ill continue either tommorow or when i get ,y chromebook charged again lol but for now this is it

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