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As the rebels celebrate, King Hazan Glore and his empire are frustrated about the war. They are gradually losing; their numbers are massive, but they're losing strategically. Fear and nightmares are what Bezo brought to King Hazan. He lives rent-free inside the king's head.

Since the rebels conquered half of Hyorea, King Hazan has spent every second of his life worrying. He desperately offered his sons and daughters to other lords to gain more support and power. His family thought he was becoming insane as he ordered daily rituals throughout the city of Dovska. Every sunrise, all of the natives of Dovksa are gathered in front of the Black Castle. They are ordered to kneel on the cemented ground and pray for the safety of their empire.

One time during the ritual, all men are gathered, and King Hazan stands on top of the Black Castle's gate. All men are on their knees with their eyes closed. King Hazan drips tears from his eyes. Suddenly, thick black clouds arrived and started to release massive rain throughout the city.

"Finally!" King Hazan shouted. "The gods have heard us!"

It is their belief that rain was given by the gods—a blessing in disguise. They've been waiting for this to happen for days, and finally it came. Bezo raised his hand, jumping from his feet, looking upon the sky, and drinking the water dripping from the clouds.

As he enjoyed the rain. One of his knights saw an army coming from afar, heading towards the city.

"Enemies coming!" The knight shouted.

BAM-BAM! The Dovksan guards started to ring the bell.

"Close the gates!" Bezo ordered.

The people started to rattle. They don't know what to do. Before the army even reached the city, many deaths had occurred. Many people died from stampedes; all of the Dovskan started pushing each other, causing chaos throughout the city.

"Let us in! Let us in!" Dovksan men were pounding the gates, begging the guards to let them get inside the castle.

The guards won't let them in. The natives started to throw boots, stones, and anything else they could hold. The guards drew up the drawbridge to keep the natives away. Several Dovskan men fell into the river; some drowned, while others swam and saved their lives.

King Hazan hid inside his great fortress, trying to overcome the anxiety and fear he was facing. He lay down in his bed, inside his heavenly chambers, drinking wine and overthinking everything.

"Girl, come here!" King Hazan called one of his slaves. a young black girl with curly black hair.

"Yes, my King?" The slave replied.

"Take off your clothes, get in my bed," said King Hazan.

The slave didn't say a thing. She took off her clothes and walked towards the bed slowly. She can't look into King Hazan's eyes; her hands are shaking, and she can't stop her fingers from fidgeting. As she lay down on the bed, King Hazan caressed her goddess-like face.

"Don't be afraid," King Hazan whispered. "I'm just as frightened as you are; my heart also beats as fast as yours. I will help you overcome that fear, as you would help me overcome mine."

The slave could not help but shed tears in her eyes. She looked down at her hands, while King Hazan gazed at her like a fresh salmon.

"I love those tears; I love the fact that I'm not the only one who has them." King Hazan smiled strangely. He put his lips on the slave's forehead, he held her hands, and he put her inside his pants.


The slave screamed. He grabbed the goblet on a desk beside King Hazan's bed and struck King Hazan, breaking it with his forehead.

"You stupid whore!" King Hazan screamed.

The slave took a little piece of the broken glass and stabbed King Hazan in the neck. King Hazan was chilled; he looked like a pig getting butchered. He wanted to scream, but he couldn't produce any sound with his mouth. The slave found an axe hanging on the side of the chamber. She held the axe, and she struck King Hazan in the head. The slave tried to remove the axe from King Hazan's head, but it stuck right through the bones.

She sat and snuggled up to the wall. She knew she was going to die, but at least she saved her dignity, something she could bring to the grave. She heard footsteps coming to the chambers, and she saw the shadow of a man wearing a robe with a cone-shaped hat on its head. It is Farko, the highest priest of Dovska, holding a golden necklace, walking through the door. Farko's jaw dropped as he saw King Hazan, half naked, laying on his bed with an axe stuck to his head. He looked at the slave, gazed at her, and told her. "What have you done!?"

The slave seemed speechless; not one word came from her mouth. Farko slowly walked towards her.

"Stand up, girl," Farko commanded.

The slave looked him in the eye; her tears dripped like blood from a wound. She rose to her feet. Farko noticed the girl's bloody hand, her blood made marks on the gray carpet.

"Kill me now, lord. I don't want to be hanged in front of hundreds of people and be remembered as a traitor," she begged.

"Shhh!" Farko put his index finger in front of the girl's lips. "Everything is going to be fine; you're not going to die."

The girls sobbed loudly. Farko hugged her tight, tapped her nape with his right hand, and caressed her back with the other hand.

"What's your name, dear?" asked Farko.

"Kora, my lord," she replied.

"What happened here will never leave this room, understand?" said Farko. "It will be our sweet little secret."

Kora nodded. Farko left the chambers. He calmed Kora and told her to wait. After a couple of minutes, Farko arrived with two other priests. They are both young men and are both bald; one is a tall, dark-skinned man, and the other is a tan-skinned man of decent height. The tan-skinned priest handed Kora a white cloak.

"What is this, my Lord?" said Kora. The young priest didn't say a word.

"He's not your lord, nor am I," said Farko. "Put that cloak on; you will travel to Deru Mountain."

Farko escorted Kora to get out of the castle. They walked into the Black Castle's library. They stopped in front of a huge bookshelf, and he removed the books on the lower right part of the shelf. Farko removed the carpet from the shelf, and there's a trapdoor underneath.

"Get inside," whispered Farko, telling Kora to get inside the trap door. "One of my men is waiting for you on the exit. Go!"

Kora entered the trapdoor slowly. It was deep; beneath the small trapdoor was a small tunnel. Kora can't see anything but light from afar. She noticed a man's shadow waving at her. She crawled as fast as she could, and when she reached the exit, the man helped her stand on her feet.

"Get on the horse!" The man said

Kora followed the man's command. She rode the horse, and the man followed after. Click-Clock! Click Clock! The horse started trotting. Kora felt relieved; she's no longer anxious and disturbed. She felt safe in the man's arms.

"Save your energy, girl." The man said, "It will be a long journey."

"What is your name, Lord?" Kora asked, grinning.


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