Dylan vs Kyro

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Braeden's POV

The final bell finally rang, and school was over. Just 4 more days... 4 more days left.

I pulled my backpack over my shoulder and began exiting our classroom, drowning out whatever my teacher was saying about homework. I won't be here for much longer anyway.

I walked through the sea of people, looking at my phone since I was texting Devin, we lived in the same neighborhood so we rode the bus home together after school everyday.

That's when I felt someone putting their hands on my shoulders.

"Don't stop." I heard Devin's voice behind me.

She was short. Only like 5'3, so she always gets swallowed up by the large crowd of high schoolers. I was 5'8 so it was easier to go through the crowds.

Devin held onto my shoulders as I mowed my way through the crowd, and straight to our bus. We sat next to each other when we got on.

"So... Dylan is fighting someone?" She asked.

"Yeah but I'm not sure who. Or even why." I sighed. "They just asked if we wanted to go."

She wasn't even listening. She was so busy texting that Jordan guy.

I snagged her phone and raised it high in the air.

"Hey!" She said and reached for it back but her arms were too short. "Come on give it back!"

"Maybe." I said. "After we get off the bus I'll consider it. Only if you behave though."

"If I-?! What?!" Devin said, her face now turning bright red which made me laugh.

3rd Person POV

Aziel walked through the halls of Coltech, brimming with excitement. He couldn't wait to talk to his lead scientist, Sheena about the things that he saw.

He entered her lab and she stood up when she saw him.

"A-Aziel. Hi." She said.

"Sheena... these kids. They're incredible." Aziel said to her. "So many different kinds of powers..."

"Did any power specifically peak your interest?" She asked.

"Not necessarily, but when nationals begins, when we recruit the winner, I'm sure we'll be able to figure out how to replicate their powers." Aziel said.

"Replicate? I thought that you wanted us to create powers from scratch." Sheena spoke, but Aziel shook his head.

"Not anymore. I was thinking, we can't choose what powers a person will have, even if we create new ones. But if we can replicate powers that already exist... then we can choose from the strongest ones." Aziel said. "My army will be unstoppable, and with me at its peak, who would dare oppose me?"

"You'll be the most powerful person in humanity's existence." Sheena said. "Do you still want us to figure out how to fuse Hyper Crystals?"

"Yes." Aziel nodded. "I can't be the leader of the strongest army with only 1 power."

"I understand sir." Sheena said. "We'll keep working hard. Do you want us to grab more students as test subjects from the Therapy School?"

"Not yet. For now... we need to focus on getting the DNA of a person with powers." Said Aziel. "Then we can learn how to replicate their Hyper Crystal."

"How will we do that?" Sheena asked.

Aziel smiled.

"Don't worry." He said. "I've got a few ideas."

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