Declan, Lee, and Dylan's Tryout

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Declan's POV

"Guys!" I exclaimed as my friends were all sent flying from the powerful shockwaves and tremors. I looked ahead, and noticed a boy with his hands glowing white, and pressing them into the ground.

So he caused the tremors. Cool, then I'll take him out first for splitting us up!

He finally stopped the tremors, and I pulled my blades out of the ground and ran straight at him as I jumped into the air.

"Hey!" I yelled to him, catching his attention, and closing in on him. "This is for making me lose my team! Banishing Slash!"

"Heh!" The boy laughed as he slapped the ground with his hands, causing another powerful tremor.

Even though I was in the air, I could still feel the powerful force of the quakes. But how?! How strong is this dude?

"A-Agh! What?!" I exclaimed as the shockwaves sent me flying back, but I landed on my feet.

"You picked a fight with the wrong guy." He smiled. "You're at a complete disadvantage against me."

"Who even are you?" I asked him.

"Matthew Shimon, but call me Shims. This is probably the last time I'll talk to you since I'll be sending you home now." Shims said as his hands glowed and he got ready to strike the ground again.

I shoved my bone blades into the ground and braced myself, but instead of the tremors I was expecting, Shims, swiped his arm across the ground, sending ripples of energy shooting through the ground towards me.

"Shit!" I cursed as I yanked my blades out of the ground, and jumped into a dive roll, narrowly dodging the energy ripples as they erupted out of the ground.

I hate to admit it... but Shims is right. I put myself in a losing battle. I'm a close range fighter not distance.

"Rising Earthquake!" Shims yelled as he unleashed shockwaves of tremors at me again.

I quickly jammed my blades into the ground again, and tried my hardest to endure the quakes. This is getting nowhere! I've gotta find a way to get in close!

I slowly began easing forward, using my blades to make sure I wasn't sent flying. But the closer I got, the harder it became to keep my balance.

"See ya!" Shims smiled as the glow on his hands became bigger and brighter.

The quake's powers increased as my blades were forced out of the ground, and I was sent flying back.

"Agh!" I exclaimed as I crashed into the ground, tumbling against the battlefield.

"Now just save us both some time and handover your flag." Shims said.

"That will not be happening." I said as I stood back up.

Dammit... why am I always so useless? I can't ever seem to just fight on my own. I'm always getting helped, or I end up doing nothing at all.

No! Now isn't the time to feel sorry for yourself! Fight. Back!

I went shooting through the air again, sent flying by another tremor from Shims. I toppled against the ground, receiving cuts, and bruises in the process.

"Just pass out already." Shims said. "The more you try to fight, the more pain you'll have to endure!"

Shims then unleashed more powerful tremors at me, I quickly jammed my blades into the ground again.

"D-Dammit...!" I cursed. It's like Shims had increased the output or something... my bones are starting to hurt.

"Did you notice that? I've amped up the magnitude. I respect your drive to not give up, so I'll give you my full power! Rising Earthquake: Magnitude 10!" Shims yelled as the tremors increased to the maximum.

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