CH. 004

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I woke with an excruciating headache and the sun shinning bright in my face. I let out a small groan as I slowly sat up, taking in the scenery of the room I was in. One thing for sure... this was not my bedroom. Not to mention I also felt a little soreness in my lower body and that's when all the events from last night came flooding into my memory.

"Goodmorning Ms. Harden." I heard the semi-deep voice come from the lit up bathroom onside of the bed.

I stood out of the bed making my way over to the entry way to see Jordan completing his morning routine while I felt like I had been hit by a freight train.

"Someone looks like they had a pretty rough night." Jordan said to me letting out a small chuckle.

"Yeah because of somebody, not to say no names though." I said returning his chuckle. "You would think you'd have a pill and some water waiting for your guest who woke up with a hangover." I said to him.

"Well if my guest would've checked the nightstand she would have saw the two pills and glass of water." He replied looking over to me smiling.

I returned the smile and turned around to walk back to his nightstand.

"Oh yeah Giselle you might want to check your phone too, its been ringing non-stop all morning." Jordan called out to me.

As soon as he said that my eyes bulged out of my head practically. It did not dawn on me that I never showed up home last night. I picked up my phone to see I had 25 missed calls from Nick and 20 from Imani. My heart sunk to my ass. How could I be soo stupid to not go home last night. How could I be so stupid to cheat on my husband. Not to mention I have no car which means I had one of 2 options; ask Jordan to take me home, or call an Uber. While I was deep in thought I heard Jordan call my name out.

"Giselle.. would you like for me to take you home?" He asked as he walked back into the bedroom.

"Umm. no its fine I've already called an Uber, I'm sure you have practice or somewhere to be, I would hate to make you take a detour in your busy schedule." I said to him.

"Nonsense, I don't mind at all, It's really nothing to take you home after all your were my guest... and a great one at that might I add." He said to me.

"Oh my God Jordan." I said laughing at his comment. "It's okay love, I've got the Uber on the way."

"You sure?" He asked me.

"I'm positive, thank you for being so caring though." I stood up, planting a kiss on his cheek and giving him a small smile.

"Well before you go, may I get your number, I would really like to see you again. I don't want you to think this was just a one night stand because I can't lie, and I won't lie, I like you Giselle." Jordan exclaimed.

I smiled at him. "Yeah... that's fine by me, hand me your phone." I don't know what it was, but I knew this was wrong on so many levels, but the fact that there was finally someone showing an interest in me made my heart flutter.

After a few minuets I got the notification my Uber had arrived, I gathered my belongings and made my way out of Jordan's apartment. I didn't know what to expect when I got home, but a small part of me was hoping and praying Nick wasn't there. I had yet to return Nick or Imani's calls. I just needed to get home and then I would deal with anything that comes my way.


I finally arrived at home and once I opened the door I was met with Nick standing in the living room pacing around. I shut the door letting my presence be known.

"Giselle Marie Stanton have you been?" Nick asked me scarily calm but with a little bit of a raised voice.

He had every right to be mad, but I honestly was still coming down from my hangover and the arguing could wait. So instead of answering his question I simply walked past him to walk into our bedroom. I just wanted to take a shower and lay down. I simply did not want to talk to Nick, after last night I could honestly care less about him and anything he had to say right now. Why was he all of a sudden so caring about my whereabouts, just a couple of hours ago he did even wanna have sex with me soooo...

"I know you hear me talking to you Giselle, I'm not speaking a different language so answer me." Nick said following me into the room.

I continued to walk around the room gathering my materials to get ready for my shower still ignoring Nicholas. All of a sudden I felt him yank my arm for me to face him, making me drop everything that was in my hands.

"What the fuck Nicholas, keep your hands off of me." I yelled at him.

"So she does talk. What the hell you giving me the silent treatment for Giselle? I'm not the one who didn't decide to come home until 8 am." He said now yelling at me

"First of all stop yelling at me, second of all it's not like you care, you don't even like me anymore. Just trucking me along for the ride so your colleagues can think you just live this perfect life with a perfect wife." I said rolling my eyes and pushing past him.

I heard him let out a sigh and sit down on the bed rubbing his hands down his face. He then gently grabbed my hand pulling me back, between his legs resting his hands on my waist. Looking up to me he then let out another sigh and said to me,

"Giselle, I don't want to argue not right now. I just want you to understand that right now we're in a sticky position and you leaving last night and not coming home worried the hell out of me. Imani told me you went to the club, but when she said you caught an Uber home and you never even showed up I went out all night looking for and calling you. I know things aren't ideal for us, but I do love you Giselle, I don't know where this you got this notion that I'm cheating on you or that I don't love you. I just want to make sure we're absolutely set in the best position before we talk about bringing babies in this world. Giselle there is no woman on this earth that can amount or hold a candle to you. Don't you forget that." He said, standing up grabbing my face planting a sweet kiss on my lips.

He then grabbed his briefcase leaving out for work. And man oh man did his miniature speech make me feel like the worst human being on the planet right now. Here my Husband was pouring out that he was still in love with me after I spent the night having sex with another man because I was mad about an argument. Instead of responding I just walked into the bathroom. I was left to deal with the guilt, eating me alive.

I started to feel like I didn't deserve happiness at all now. Regardless of how bad I felt about cheating I still longed for his actions to speak louder than his words. Once I got into this shower I began to allow tears to fall. Sure he said he loved me and wasn't cheating, but just how much of that was the truth. One part of me wanted to believe him and another part felt like he was just telling me what I wanted to hear. One thing for sure I did know was this marriage was closer than I thought to ending and that broke me to pieces.


Chapter 4 is out: (A filler chapter) its about to start heating up!!

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