CH. 034

537 35 13

Jordan P.

I laid in the hospital bed silently looking at the ceiling. Imani and Ralen had left a while ago to check on the status of Giselle. I still had no cell phone, so Ralen would text my mom letting us know what was going on. The doctor wanted to keep me over night after examination of my cut. It was determined that the blade grazed a nerve that caused me to not only pass out, but develop Transient Global Amnesia. It was short-lived memory loss that typically last no longer than 24 hours. This made so much sense as to why I couldn't really remember much of what happened.

All that I could think about right now was Giselle. I was praying extremely hard that she'd pull through. I couldn't lose her, not like this. My dad went back to the hotel they booked, and my mom stayed behind. The physician told me everything looked good with my injury and it should heal itself overtime. I would be discharged tomorrow morning, but all I could think about was Giselle. My mom sat quietly on the small couch area looking at Law & Order: SVU on low volume. I decided to finally speak and ask about info regarding Giselle.

"Umm.. has Ralen said anything about how Giselle's doing?" I questioned.

"No baby, he hasn't texted me yet. I'll text and ask him. Do you want to talk? Tell me what's on in your head?" She asked.

"I... I just want her to be okay. Momma I finally found a girl I truly love, someone I can really see myself marrying and starting a family with. When she told me she was pregnant I was scared. Nervous even, but happiness overthrew both of those. To me Giselle is perfect in every way; and, though the way our relationship came to be may not be ideal I'm so happy she's mine. I never wanted her to ever feel like I didn't love her, so I proved it to her every chance I got. N-Now my past.. my past possibly took away the best thing that's ever happened to me." I expressed with tears brimming my eyes.

"Sometimes life has a funny way of testing us on how much we can really handle. I know this is not what you want to hear, but whatever happens, happened for a reason. I do know you love Giselle and she loves you too, so just have faith and pray she'll pull through. That's what I'm going to do, so thats what I need you to do also." She said.

"I'm trying momma..I really am, but the way Imani w-was t-talking it didn't sound too good." I choked on my incoming tears. My mom stood up and made me scoot over so she could get in the bed with me. I hadn't been held by my mom like this in the longest time, but at this very moment I need her to hold me more than ever.

"I know it's hard baby boy, but I know it's all going to work out. May not work out the way you want it to, but this too shall soon pass." She said before placing a kiss on my head.

Imani H.

Ralen and I left Jordan's room and made our way back to the emergency room waiting area. I seen my parents sitting in the chairs. My mom and dad hands were interlocked as she laid on his shoulder. Moses was in the corner clearly fighting sleep and even though the moment was sad it was funny seeing him fight it. By now it was about 10 p.m; we had been here almost an hour still not knowing Giselle's condition.

"Heyy, you guys hear anything yet?" I asked as Ralen and I took a seat.

"No, not yet. I asked the nurse and she said the doctor would come to render us more information as soon as he can." My mom answered.

"Gosh this is ridiculous, I mean keeping us updated or something would be so much better than just waiting around to know if she's dead or alive." I said annoyed.

"Hey Hey, baby calm down. I know this frustrating, but just think they're probably all hands on doing the best they can to make sure Giselle survives." Moses said grabbing hold of my hand.

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