Chapter five

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I walked down the hallways of the building with Jaci right beside me "this is a pretty building you are living in" she said I nodded in agreement "how come you're not allowed to go outside again?" I sighed "for the 3rd time cops are after me" she ...

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I walked down the hallways of the building with Jaci right beside me "this is a pretty building you are living in" she said I nodded in agreement "how come you're not allowed to go outside again?" I sighed "for the 3rd time cops are after me" she gave me a puzzled look "but I really don't understand you didn't do anything wrong," she said in a worrying tone. I stopped walking "look They wouldn't believe me because they hate me is that clear enough for you?" I said and she nodded, accepting that answer. "So what's your dick size?" I froze for a bit "why does that matter we're not gonna have sex with each other or anything" "well what if you get horny you can't walk around with a hard-on it will be awkward" "I know how to take care of that" "but why use your hand or any other sex toy when you got young hot succubus to take care of it for you?". "Okay, why do you keep bringing up succubus what is that?" I asked "you don't know what a succubus is hehe well a succubus is a sex demon that feeds on humans' energy and its sexual desires but most favorite is its semen" my face went red "s-so what when your hungry you're just gonna try to fuck me IS THAT WHAT YOU WERE TRYING TO DO LAST NIGHT!" she flinched at my outburst "N-no I wouldn't do that to you I promise please don't hurt me!" I raised an eyebrow "why do you keep saying for me not to hurt you?" she looked at me scared "w-well because I've seen male humans hit female human's when they're angry so I got afraid you were gonna hit me..." I was stunned "what no I would never hit you" I held her close to me "look I will never hurt you no matter how angry I am don't believe I will ever do that to you," I said ressuringly she nodded "so what are we doing now?" "we're just gonna explore the building alright hun" she smiled at the name I called her and latched onto my arm "let's go!"


I was in the laundry room washing my clothes while Jaci was hypnotized by the clothes drying. That's when I heard footsteps run into the laundry room "Kaleb, Rodney Slow down!"
I heard Kathy yell down the hall, I grabbed both Kaleb and Rodney by their collars "yo we caught two wild beasts in here" the boys giggled and roared like tigers Kathy ran in with a bucket full of clothes "oh hey thanks uhh Alex right" "yeah I see your two tigers are on the loose again" "yeah there father was supposed to pick them up today but he's a no show, not really surprised " "damn that's a shame well at least there awesome mother is there to save the day" she smiled and blushed "thanks by the way hows the apartment so far you didn't experience any trouble did you" I shrugged 'I nearly escaped some scary looking dudes down here and I don't think they like me moving in here" "please ignore them there just goons who think they run the place that's all alright they weren't so keen on a single mother moving in either It's hard caring for three kids and also trying not to disturb the neighbors and try to squeeze in some personal time" I chuckled "well moms need there night out to so how bout I take up babysitting" she looked taken aback "OH no it's fine you don't need to" "no please let me I'm not really doing anything with my free time besides count windows in here" she giggled "well if you insist I must pay you its only fair you can't work for free" "you need the money more then me taking care of kids plus paying the babysitter no please I'm good" she smiled softly "thank you very for this your are very kind" she then hugged and I hugged her "your welcome" she let go and looked at her two kids who were trying to see which one of them could fit into the laundry baskets "boy get out of there now!" she gave me an awkward smile and walked off. I turned around and saw Jaci in my face "who was that girl.." she said in a soft voice "oh that was the neighbor" "you two seemed close" "hey no its nothing like that she's just a neighbor alright and why would you think like tha- oh are you jealous?" her face went red and she looked away "you are jealous" I chuckled "I-I'm not I just didn't t like the way she was all huggy and red faced with you" she said "hey its okay it's normal to feel this way but I can promise I don't like her that way" she looked at me "promise?.." I sighed "promise" her face turned into a smile and she hugged me tightly "can we get something to eat I'm starving" "sure we can hun".

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