Chapter Twelve

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I woke up on a couch and looked around

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I woke up on a couch and looked around. The walls were purple and had fountains and such with blood coming out of them. Wait. JACI! I quickly got up and walked out of the room and into the hallway "Jaci?!" I yelled I looked in every room I can some were locked and some were just weird sex dungeons. I then opened a door and it was an office "the hell?" the door suddenly closed 'what the fuck?! I looked around and suddenly a man appeared behind the desk holding a cigarette. "Umm hello, where the hell am I" he looked at me "sit the fuck down" "U-umm sure" I sat down in the chair "so what am I doing here is Jaci here?" I asked. The man scoffed "you're looking for my daughter" I was confused "wait she's your daughter" He put his cigarette down "you know you hurt my little girl bad right" I scoffed "look it was a misunderstanding I didn't have time to explain it" "Look asshole I don't care what the fuck the situation was. all my daughter knows is that she caught you trying to fuck some other bitch" I glared "look can you just get her here so I can explain" "she's not here she's busy taking care of business" I sighed god she probably fucking hates me "but I want to have a personal talk with you though just man to man" oh fuck I'm screwed.

I got slammed against the wall and groaned "fucking hell!" the man laughed "come on beating me like you were beating on that girl not saying she didn't deserve it she ruined my daughter's love life but come on putting all that anger and energy on me" I got up and rubbed my head "here I'll help you" he then shapeshifted into some handsome male with a suit "heh what's this supposed to do huh?" he chuckled "Well since Jaci obviously hates you she needs a new guy to please her obviously you're not " I scoffed "no after I explain what happened she will understand and-" he cut me off "god your pathetic, your not good enough for my daughter, just a criminal that has trouble wherever he goes, he has a drinking problem only think about yourself, your not meant to be my daughters anything" I felt enraged but not at him only myself he's right I don't deserve her I'll just have a fucking repeat of my last relationship be a fuck up. That's all I am a fuck up .. FUCKING HELL!. I breathed hard now thinking about what to do. I just sank down on the floor and slapped myself mentally "Just let me go home to marry your daughter off to some rich asshole kill me I don't care" I pleaded. He looked at me with sympathy he knelt down in front of me "look kid I'll give you one more chance but if you fuckin hurt my little girl I will kill you" he said "she really loves you and cares about you a lot and whatever she does just know she did it out of love" I nodded "but where is she?" I asked desperately to see her "like I said man she said she had to take care of some business but I'll let her know we had this talk but don't let your past eat you alive every night you can change" I nodded and sighed "thanks for that" "yeah kid, now night night" He then slapped me and I blacked out.

As soon as I woke up I knew I had to look for Jaci and apologize and explain everything to her. I got confident and hopped out of bed and grabbed my jacket. I opened my door and my face went pale. It was the cops and there stood Rika she had a fucking smirk and a bandage on her nose I then felt myself black out feeling a gun being smashed in my head.
I then woke up my head pounding I groaned and looked around I was in a room fuck was I in an interrogation room. I tried to remember what happened before I blacked out FUCKING RIKA ugh..... I tried to move my hands but they were cuffed to a chair. I panicked till I saw the door open then entered the chief that was after me all this time, dammit I'm screwed." well, well, well if it isn't Alex Barnes the wanted murderer" I scoffed, "look you fucking bastard you know I didn't do this shit you really think I killed someone. Or do you not care about all that because I didn't treat your princess brat daughter well in a fucking high school relationship". His face turned enraged and he punched me in the face I groaned and glared at him as he grabbed my collar and got in my face "look you fucking piece of shit we got enough evidence on you to put you away for life maybe I can put a few more extra charges on you just because I can heh" I spit in his face "why don't you go fuck yourself you crooked bastard kind of feel bad for your daughter now because her father is such a pathetic bitch. Can't take care of his own problems. He sucks his boss's dick to get his bullies put away huh?" I chuckled darkly I didn't know what was coming over me I never talked to anyone like this in a long time maybe some kids my age then but not a fucking cop or any other adult. He gave me a deathly glare. "whatever. I already have some inmates who will take care of you anyway hope you enjoy'' he laughed then walked out of the room, Fucking sociopath.
Someone else walked into the room. I looked up and saw Angelea damn it was so long she still looked pretty her blonde hair was in a bun and she was wearing a sweater and jeans hmm she actually dressed decently. "So no crop tops and dye streaks in your hair?" she gave me a look "on its way too cold for that" I hummed "so what is this like a last fuck you message before I die because it sure as hell feels like it," I said "I wouldn't say it like that I'm actually not supposed to be in here I just stopped by to talk to him about something but I guess talking to an ex is way better than some bar money," she said she sat down in the chair across from me "Heh so what I guess you heard about what happened on," I said. She looked at me "I mean seeing my ex-boyfriend on the news wanted for murder didn't really make me feel as happy as it should" she looked saddened "look Angela I'm sorry for how I treated you in the past I was a major asshole to you" She gave me a sympathetic look "I'm sorry to we were both toxic to each other I brushed off your feelings and made you feel like shit during it plus it's just a high school relationship it's not the end of the world" She said smiling a little. I chuckled "so did you do it?" she asked curiously "hell no I didn't do shit," I said as I leaned in "look between you and me I think your dad has a stick deep in his ass the fucking bastard knows I didn't do this shit" she scoffed angrily "fucking seriously over a damn high school relationship god he's going too far I MOVED ON!" She yelled "you don't deserve this you suffered enough I promise I'm gonna do my own case and I don't care if he's my Papi I'm reporting him" I smiled I'm happy she cared about me that much "You sure you moved on there Angie," I said using the old nickname I used to call her. Her face went a little red "don't call me that idiot!" she said acting pissed but I could see her trying not to smile "look I missed the funny moments but I did move on I have a boyfriend now he's really sweet" "heh I'm happy for you I found someone to she's crazy in a good way and I really love her" she clasped her hands together "aww that's so cute" she squealed I laughed "heh well I should get going I promise I will help you cross my heart and hope to die" she nodded I smiled. Then the door opened and a woman with red hair came in and gave me a glare. I looked at her well and I recognized her like we met before she looked at Angelea "Umm what are you doing here girl?" Angela looked started "o-oh I got lost I needed to talk to my father um he's the chief Mr Richards" She looked at her suspiciously "you're not allowed in here in case you haven't heard he is a dangerous criminal right" 'OH sorry lady I don't watch the news much," she said in the most annoying teen girl voice she could muster. The woman rolled her eyes "damn kids" she murmured "Your father went just left I'll make sure to give him a call to let him know you stopped by" Angelea nodded "Now leave." she demanded and Angelea hurriedly left the room. The woman then shot a mean glare at me and sat down and slammed a folder in front of me "Mr. Barnes pleasure to meet you" I nodded uninterested "So what do you want, why aren't I in jail yet huh? I mean if you are already so sure ima suspect why aren't I dragged away to a prison with guards' hands shoved up my ass?" she scoffed "so you're funny huh but even if you are suspected of it, running away from a crime scene really isn't enough evidence and plus your fingerprints aren't on anything" I looked at her confused "then why the hell am I here then!" I yelled enraged "because the chief ordered it and plus you have a history of doing bad things so why not pin you for this" she laughed "and plus you deserve this for putting your filthy hands on my sister and tried to rape her at her own home please you deserve it all" She scowled "what?" I asked confused "your sister I don't understand" she grew angry "MY SISTER RIKA YOU BASTARD" I then realized it now. Is that why she was so confident back at her place she was really gonna run to sister dearest huh..."I didn't do anything to her besides give her what that crazy bitch deserved" I said she slapped me and began to scream at me "she didn't do anything you fucking asshole!! you raped her and beat her because of your own ego! and you go as far as to ruin her engagement sick fuck..." I was now pissed "She fucking drugged me and made my fiance think I was cheating on her! not only that but I was acting like a total bitch but I guess ignorance runs in the air huh?!" her face grew red and was about to hit me again. I braced myself for the slap but it never came. The door opened and in came two guards entered the room "Ms. Oakwood it's time to take the suspect away" one of the guards "where is he going" she asked still pissed "he's going to the prison" I looked dumbfounded but she looked ecstatic "well I don't wanna keep you guys waiting this guy is really getting on my nerves so please take him away" she said smirking at me I glared at her, Then the Guards uncuffed me from the chair and cuffed my hands together before we could leave the room the woman stood in front of me and I saw the name tag on her uniform 'Lillian' "I hope you rot in and jail and don't worry your little girlfriend will get karma to" she smiled evilly then stepped aside and let the cops lead me away to my fate fuck I'm screwed.

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