Our Lady Of Sorrows/ Bring More Knives

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by My Chemical Romance
We could be perfect one last night
And die like star-crossed lovers when we fight
And we can settle this affair
If you would shed your yellow take my hand
And then we'll solve the mystery of laceration gravity
This riddle of revenge please understand it has to be this way

Stand up fucking tall
Don't let them see your back
And take my fucking hand
And never be afraid again

We've only got one chance to put this at an end
and cross the patron saint of switchblade fights
You said we're not celebrities, we spark and fade, they die by threes
I'll make you understand and you can trade me for an apparition

Stand up fucking tall
Don't let them see your back
And take my fucking hand
And never

Trust, you said
Who put the words in your head
Oh how wrong we were to think
That immortality meant never dying

Take my fucking hand
Take my fucking...

Stand up fucking tall
Don't let them see your back
And take my fucking hand
And never be afraid again

Just because my hands around your throat!

I think you can see, right from the title this songs speaks about the end of the lovers(most of them do) but this time, the characters think about the way the would die.
Firstly, they said they could kill themselves, in order not to be killed by the vampires and die like passionate couples.
Also, as far as I am concerned, death brings knowledge, afterlife answera to many of the questions about our existance.
The Chorus is the voice inside the lovers who tells them to look death in the face and stand up with dignity and by holding hands when they're killed, the bond created between them will last until purgatory.
The next part clearly shows their death will mean something, as their enemies die with no meaning, the lovers are the proof it worths dying young if only you are loaded and fulfilled by your life, if you think you have accomplished what living thaught you.
The last part is the most accurate patt of the song, I think, because it shows the lovers last thoughts, including regrets and by saying "trust put the words in your head" brings the memory of confessing everything light-hearted. My favourite part is tthe immortality one. It's not hard to understand why immortality doesn't mean eternal life. I guess those who are loved are alive in the memory of those who love them and their love would keep them connected although they died. So, the ones we love are never really dead, they remain with us in our hearts.
The last phrase is a desperate pleading which threatens just to make sure that their lives will remain the same even in death.

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⏰ Last updated: May 16, 2015 ⏰

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