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Soobin took a step back, in front of him stood the one and only park Jimin. Soobin felt beomgyu grab onto him tighter, he was scared again. Soobin didn't want beomgyu to feel scared, never again.

"Hand him over and I can let you walk out of here alive kid.. I dunno how you managed to get this far but it all ends now" Jimin spoke with a calm voice. He talked as if he didn't have soobin at gunpoint, this guy was nothing but heartless. Soobin wasn't giving up though, not again.

"He's just a child.. He shouldn't be in an environment like this, and selling him off to god knows who is child endangerment" soobin spoke, his voice was trembling but he wasn't going to let his guard down, he wasn't giving up Beomgyu. Jimin rolled his eyes "do you think I care? Bear hybrids are high on the market which means lots of money, do you know how much I could sell him for?? He'd make me filthy rich and you wanna talk out of here with him—"

"Legally he's mine.. Under the law he's MY hybrid so if you try to take him then you'll be breaking that law and I'd have to get the law enforcement involved" soobin cut Jimin off. Soobin didn't want to play that card but it's the truth, beomgyu is legally his hybrid which means if Jimin took him it would be kidnapping.

Jimin took a step closer to soobin, soobin took another step back. "I already kidnapped him once and I can do it again, now put him down or I'll shoot" Jimin was getting pissed off, soobin could tell from his voice. But that didn't matter, he needed to stall for as long as he could.

"No!.. I'll shoot!" Soobin quickly held up his tranquilizer gun, his eyes were wide as his hands started to tremble. Now it was a tranquilizer gun against a real gun.. Soobin doesn't know how much patience Jimin has left.

"I'm getting sick of you kid—"

Before Jimin could finish his sentence he was tackled to the ground by Taehyung.
Jimin groaned and held his gun up and fired. Soobin quickly turned his back;his scream echoed through the room as he felt a growing pain in his back. He fell to the floor as Jin, namjoon and Yoongi ran into the room.

"Holy fuck!" Jin ran and kicked the gun out of Jimins hand and ran to soobin. Beomgyu looked up at soobin as they laid on the floor, tears came to his eyes as he saw nothing but pain in his eyes.

"Fuck soobin are you okay!! We need you get him to the hospital he's been shot guys!! " Jin quickly took his jacket off and placed it on soobins back to stop the bleeding. Soobin groaned in pain and looked up at Jin. "Is he safe?? Is..is he okay?? " soobin asked with a trembling voice. Jin looked down at beomgyu and tried to grab beomgyu from soobins arms.

"No!! " beomgyu screamed and held onto soobin. "Binnie... " beomgyu started to cry into soobins chest. Soobin never let go of beomgyu and beomgyu never let go of him.

"Guys Hoseok and his team are here! We need to get the hell outta here!! " yoongi yelled and Jins head snapped up. "Tae you hold onto Jimin and get him to Hoseok, Namjoon help me carry soobin down to jungkook, Tae and the girl and Yoongi you stay with Taehyung and make sure you tell Hoseok to meet us at the hospital okay? I'll send him the location." Jin started to throw out orders and everyone followed them with no time to waste.

Namjoon quickly came to Jin's side and helped him pick up soobin. As they carried soobin out of the room jimin spoke one last time. "I'll be out soon Jin and once I am I'm gonna destroy you and your whole family! " Jimin spit at Jin's shoe.

Jin looked down at Jimin without nothing but disappointment in his eyes. "Jimin.. You use to be family.. You use to be apart of THIS family, you should've listened to me and now because of your ignorance you'll be behind bars for the rest of your life.. I hope you think long and hard about yourself while you sit in that cell and rot" and with that Jin and Namjoon left the room while holding Soobin up.

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