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"Beomgyu let me dress you!!" Soobin yelled as he ran around the apartment, trying to catch Beomgyu who was now running awwy from Soobin. Fully naked.

Beomgyu ran in circles as he tried to get away from Soobin. Soobin smirked and opened the towel and scooped Beomgyu up. "Ya! I got you little one~ did your think you could get way from Soobin??" Soobin said with a playful tone. Soobin gave Beomgyu raspberry kisses on his tummy, making Beomgyu laugh and wave his hands around.

Soobin held Beomgyu and walked back Into the room where Beomgyu clothes laid on the bed. "Alright Beomgyu, today us a very important day! Because today you are legally going to become my hybrid and no one will ever be able to take you away from me" Soobin said and ruffled Beomgyus hair.

Of course Beomgyu wasn't paying attention as he had his pointer finger up his nose. Soobin chuckled and moved Beomgyus hair away the  helped him get dress.

"We gon get ice cream Soobin?" Beomgyu suddenly asked as Soobin pulled Beomgyus pants up. Soobin chuckled and nodded. Beomgyu went to grab his stuffie and ran back to Soobin. Soobin grabbed a cute hat for Beomgyu that had holes for his eats and put it on Beomgyu.

"Rawr rawr" Beomgyu said and grabbed Soobins finger, using it as his personal teether. "Are your bear teeth growing in baby boy?" Soobin asked and looked at Beomgyus teeth himself.

Beomgyu didn't answer and continued to teeth on Soobins finger. Soobin smiled down at Beomgyu then kissed his forehead. Beomgyu giggled then let go of Soobins finger. Soobin picked up Beomgyu and went to grab his new teether. But Beomgyu refused to take it. "No it no smell like soobin" Beomgyu whined and wiggled in Soobins hold. "Oh?...where can you smell Soobins scent the most?"

"Here here!!" Beomgyu said and pointed to Soobins neck. Soobin rubber the teether against his neck for a while before giving it to Beomgyu. Beomgyu sniffed the teether then chewed on it.

Soobin helped Beomgyu tie his shoes. He put in his own shoes and their coats then they headed out the door.

Beomgyu point to the snow that was melting away. Spring was coming around and soon the two wouldn't need their coats. To Soobin it felt just like yesterday he found Beomgyu, and here he is.. So attached to Beomgyu. And today Beomgyu will finally be under his name. Beomgyu will finally be safe and sound with Soobin.. That's all Soobin wanted was to keep his Beomgyu safe.

"Ah ah want it" Beomgyu wiggled in Soobins arms and waved his teether at Kais pastry shop. Soobin smiled and rubbed Beomgyus cheek. "Kais pastry shop isn't open on Wednesdays Beomgyu, but we can get something from there tomorrow okay? I promise" Soobin said and continued to walk to His brothers company. Beomgyu whined, the taste and need for a Danish pastry was strong. It was almost as if he needed it.

Beomgyu whined more. "But want it~~" He cried as the pastry shop got farther and farther away from Them. "We can go to another pastry shop—" Soobin tried to say. "Dat one!!" Beomgyu yelled and dropped his teether on to the ground.

Soobin picked it up and put it in his pocket, he's had to sanitize it before giving it back to Beomgyu. "The shop is closed—"

"No No NO!!" Beomgyu trashed his body around in Soobins arms, throwing a small temper tantrum. Soobin sighed and stopped walking. Beomgyu hit his tiny fist on Soobins chest while trashing his body around. Soobin rolled his eyes over Beomgyu being over dramatic and put his finger into Beomgyus mouth.

Beomgyu started to calm down and chewed on Soobin finger. "Calm? Good let's go" Soobin said and continued to walk.

"Om nom nom" Beomgyu said as he held and chewed on Soobins finger. Soobin finally arrived to Jin's company and went straight to the front desk.

The worker Instantly recognizable Soobin. "Oh hello Mr. Choi, and who is cute little bear?" She asked with a smile. "Ah this is beomgyu, say hi Beomgyu" Soobin said and looked down at Beomgyu. Beomgyu shook his head.

The receptionist smiled and held up a bowl of lollipops. "Would you like one Beomgyu? My favorite is the cotton candy flavor" She said and held up the lollipop for Beomgyu to take..Beomgyu took the lollipop and took off the wrapper. He sniffed the candy then gave it a lick. Soobin laughed when Beomgyus eyes sparkled. "Jin is waiting for you in his office" She said and waved bye to Beomgyu who waved back with the lollipop in his mouth.

Soobin walked over to the elevator that opened immediately when he pushed the button. Soobin got on and pushed the button to the too floor.

They went a few floors up till the door opened, revealing Jungkook. He gasped and held the elevator open with a panicked look. "Have you seen Taehyun!? We were playing hide and seek on this floor but I can't find him! This is a really big building and I can't remember if he has his collar or not!! He's gonna get adopted on accident then Jin is gonna be mad at me!! I lost Taehyun!!!!" Jungkook yelled and ram away from the elevator. Just then Taehyun walked out of a room and waved at the two.

"His he still freaking out?? Its funny to me" He said and walked away as the elevator door closed.

Soobin laughed along with Beomgyu as the elevator continued to ho up, soon reaching the top of the building. Soobin walked off and greeted some workers and some hybrids.

Around the company Soobin was very well known for being Jins brother. All the hybrids that were waiting to be adopted at the company wanted Soobin to adopted them. Most just had a big crush on Soobin, and some just wanted to say their master is the brother of  Jin from Jin cooperation.

But they've always been told, "Soobin isn't the type to have a hybrids so the chances are 0 to 100" Yet here all the hybrids were, watching Soobin walk to his brothers office with a toddler bear hybrid.

So what could that small little hybrid have done to change Soobins mind??

Soobin walked into Jins office without knocking and smiled when he saw Jin set down his chop sticks. "Ahh baby brother there you are I was just about to call you" Jin said and cleaned up the food while chewing on the food in his mouth. "Oh yeah? Where you gonna do it after eating or while eating?" Soobin asked and say down with Beomgyu on his lap.

Jin swallowed his food and sighed "after of course.. Now anyways let's get to business, you're here today to legally adopted Beomgyu. We have some paper work to go over. And would your like to join a membership? You'll have food and supplies for your hybrid delivered to your door every month.. You can have it for free" Jin said and wiggled his eyebrows.

"Sure Jin let's go with a membership" Soobin said with a humorous tone. Jim rolled his eyes and handed Soobin some papers to sign.

"Ah I bet those hybrids were so jealous, you know most of them wants to be adopted by you. You always reject and say no but one day you show up with a best hybrid??"

"That's because my Beomgyu is different then them all" Soobin said as Beomgyu looked around the office with big eyes.

When Soobin finished the papers Jin clapped his hands.

"Okay, now let's get started with the real stuff"


Sorry I had to cut it here, I have work and school so yayyy. Forgive me.

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