The Week Before

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Chapter 1~ The Week Before


'Dear mom, yesterday was interesting because Natsu, Happy, and I went on a job to catch some bandits in a place called, Tiberville. The reward was 40,000 jewel, that's enough to cover this months rent. We almost couldn't finish the job because Natsu kept hugging and touching me, which I found very unusual, but we finished the task by using my gate keys. How are you mom? Ok, I hope. I miss you and dad, but I know your watching over me and as long as I know that, then I'm perfectly fine. Bye mom.

                                                                                                                                                       ,Love Lucy

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I close the envelope, sealing it, before placing it in the drawer with all the others. -sigh- I turn in my chair to see a sleeping Natsu and Happy in my bed, again, "Baka's wake up!!", but neither of them moved an inch. " L-Lucy." I look at Natsu to see he's still asleep. My face was completely flushed. 

Why would he say my name in his sleep? He might be thinking about going on a job or raiding my fridge. I sigh, It's still too early in the morning to head to the guild right now, so I might as well cook up some breakfast for us.

Once I set the plates on the table, I go to the fridge taking out bacon, eggs, milk, and some apple juice. Getting out the pancake mix in the cabinet, I pour the mix into the bowl along with the milk, then pouring it into the skillet. I was finishing up breakfast when I felt arms wrap around my waist, I jumped seeing it was Natsu, whose head was on my shoulder. "W-what are you doing?" 

"Just giving my best friend a hug." 

"Well, you gave me enough yesterday."

"No I didn't." 

"We almost couldn't finish the job because of your hugs." 

"Oops hehe, sorry Luce." 

"Whatever, it's fine." He sighs in relief before tighten his grip on my waist, sniffing me. I scream before smacking him in the face, that sends him flying across the room upside down.

 "What the hell was that for Luce?" He asked annoyed while rubbing the big bump that formed on top of his head.

 "Well, why were you sniffing me like that?" 

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