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3rd POV

We see a teenager boy named Snow wearing a red jacket, white t-shirt, brown pants, green shoes, and has a green sleeping mask on his head. He was walking down the small street that has many modern houses lifting a bag of groceries while going home. It was Saturday right now, so there's no school today, but the time was right now is 7:00 pm, because he forgot to buy groceries.

Snow: I almost forgot to by my groceries... Haha... Sigh... I'm pretty tired going to the grocery store. Who knew there's so many people at like- 6:00 to 7:00 pm.
We'll, no matter. I'll just going to play my game, but I need to store this groceries first.

He then runs back home lifting his groceries.


He arrived back home safely. He then go to his small kitchen and stored all the groceries at it's rightful place.

Snow: Sigh... That was tiring... Let's take a bath first before I go to bed and play my game.

He the goes to the his small bathroom to wash his body. After he finished cleaning his body, he then goes to the sink to clean his teeth.


He was now in his comfortable soft room, a dream sleeping room if I might say. He was now wearing a blue t-shirt, brown pajamas and a green sleeping mask. He then jump and landed on his bed. He then takes his phone on the desk just at the side of his bed. He then opens his phone, type the password and click the an app. He was now playing Azur Lane having alot of ships in his disposal but not that many. Hi has different ships to common to ultra rare ships, but he has a favorite ship that he likes. USS Laffey, the first ever ship that he got in the game, and the MVP of his first time being the commander. Some people say that why he likes her because of her human design, but the real reason why he likes her because of her personality and power. He likes Laffey's sleepy personality one of his common traits, and the power of helping him to reach different stages of the chapters.


The time is now 10:00 pm, he was now sleepy and tired from playing. He then closed his phone, place it back on the desk, and gets comfy on the bed.

Snow: Yawn~ I think it's time for me to sleep... I'm pretty tired. I do wish that I can go to Azur Lane. I know it's dangerous and pretty much suicidal because of the sirens, but I really want to help them and be friends... Sigh... Who am I kidding... Magic doesn't exist for a wish to be granted...

He then closes his eyes not knowing what is going to happen next. He was now in deep sleep hugging his soft pillow. Suddenly a storm happened, but it was not a normal storm. The storm was raining heavily, purple lightning coming out of it. The lightning struck Snow by going through the window but not shattering the glass. He suddenly disappeared, just leaving a room with out anyone in it. Time passes by, the police investigate this mysterious and unexplained phenomenon. The police tried, but to no avail.

Where did that boy go?

Azur Lane: A Lucky Wish (Discontinued)Where stories live. Discover now