Chapter 7

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(Y/n's pov, four days earlier)

I said goodbye to Alastor as me and mom left the station and he got into the officer's car. He didn't look very well, he looked tired. I wonder if he slept at all. He looked pretty tired, especially when he tried to smile at me. His smile was weary, and depressing. It must have been hard losing his mom, I doubt that he misses his father at all. He hasn't ever really talked to me much about his father besides from the fact that he dislikes him, aside from the few times that I caught him when he didn't know what to do but talk to me, when he was at low points. Even then though, he didn't say much but I could tell that it was because of his father. Even I don't like his dad. From what I saw in the past, and from what Alastor has told me, his dad is horrible. 

 When I got to the station, his eyes were one of the first things that I noticed, beside from is smile.

They looked dull as he zoned out, staring at nothing. His eyes were also puffy, I suspected that he had been crying, I would've too. The officer said that Alastor would be staying with his Aunt's home for now on, the Aunt that I had never heard of. He had never brought her up once, but that's not important.

 I just hope that she takes good care of him. It's what he deserves. I wish I could be with him, to comfort him. As Alastor got in the car he waved goodbye, I did the same as they drove away in the vehicle. Me and mom just walked back home.

I had no idea how to help him but to let him know that I was here if he needed me. Like I said before, he doesn't really talk much about personal things. I was being honest though, I would always be here for him. Perhaps he just likes to keep to himself when it comes to things like this.

When her and I got home, my father had come back home as well from grocery shopping. My mother was planning on doing it but I insisted that she took me to see Alastor instead so he took up the responsibility of shopping. He said it was no problem-even though he was a little sick, and said that I should hurry over there, to see how Alastor was doing. He worked as a police man, while my mom was a stay at home. He wasn't feeling the best, that's why he hadn't gone to work that day. If he did then he would've seen Alastor, i'm sure.

When we got back, he asked me how it went. Not like it went good, of course. My mother had told him that Alastor practically refused to speak to her, and said that he should ask me for information. To which, he did. I didn't explain very much before going up to my room. Not like he really told me anything anyways, besides, he works at the station. If it means that much to him, he can find out more there. Though, I don't think he'll be working there for too much longer. 

He only works at a desk, he's just a paper pusher who fills out documents anyways. He said that he didn't even really enjoy the job very much, said it was boring. I can see where he's coming from, mother and him have even been talking about the possibility of them opening up the bakery. I wonder if they'll go through with it. Its a cute idea, I wouldn't mind if they did. Then I would get free sweets and pastries. Even get some for Alastor, I would make sure to get him something with dark chocolate in it. He says that it's his favorite.


I had went to school for the last few days but he didn't show. I have to admit, it was a little lonely. Caleb would talk to me and try to make me feel better but he could tell that I missed Alastor. His attempts to cheer me up usually were in vain. Though, he managed to make me laugh a few times. 

Yesterday though, it was different. I came into school not expecting much, just lessons from the teacher and Caleb's jokes that failed to make me laugh. But a few minutes after I got inside and sat down, Alastor walked inside as well. It was a shock to me, but a good surprise. It immediately put a smile on my face without me even realizing. He stood up for a few minutes, talking to the teacher but then looked my way. He was taking care of himself, so it seemed anyways. It also looked like he got new clothes too. He was wearing a dark red bow tie with a white collared button up, and a brown vest, along with brown pants and his regular shoes. His clothes looked neat and so did his actual appearance, besides from his sightly messy hair. I waved my hand up in the hair as he asked the teacher something that I couldn't make out, I was out of earshot. As he did, she nodded her head as he walked over to me and sat down next to me. I was about to say something but I couldn't get a word out as class was about to begin. 

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