Chapter 1: The Freljord

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Author's POV

Freljord's history became known to all of the people in the land. The country was once a united nation and was ruled by humans, they were led by the three sisters. Avarosa, Serylda and Lissandra. The Frozen Watchers approached them offering gifts, magic and immortality in exchanged for their services and loyalty. Lissandra became the seeker and voice of the watchers, secretly betraying her sisters in exchange for her master's power. Their people were forged into weapons and titled the ICE BORN. They served the watchers willingly at first, winning them a vast empire and building them a fortress now standing over the Howling Abyss.

In time Avarosa grew tired of their servitude and united the Iceborn, rallying them against their masters. The final stand against the Watchers took place on the bridge crossing the Howling Abyss. Many Iceborn died, but in the end the Watchers were overrun and thrown howling into the abyss, giving the crevasse its name. An Iceborn was chosen to guard the place in case the Watchers returned; Avarosa encased Greyor in ice so his spirit could stand vigilant eternally, sounding the horn if their former masters returned.

Lissandra was angered by Avarosa's actions. She planned on killing her own sister who became Queen of the Freljord, she did not agree with Avarosa's leadership, she didn't like it. "Serylda!" Lissandra called out to her sister who was just watching over the balcony, looking down at Avarosa and the people. Lissandra approached her sister, she noticed that she wasn't listening but she was watching Avarosa. "she disgusts me." she snarled which made Serylda look at her. "Lissandra, listen. I understand for why you're so mad against Avarosa but look, she can be a good Queen to Freljord. " Serylda said placing a hand on Lissandra's shoulder, Lissandra shook off her sister's hand. Serylda just nodded her head in disappointment, "Lissandra. Whatever you're planning, that's not good." Serylda added before leaving the room. "It'll be a good plan." Lissandra snickered as she let out an evil laugh.

Later that day, the three sisters were seated in the dinner table. "How's your day Avarosa?" Serylda asked with a smile on her face, "it was tiring but it was good. I helped the people with their crops and everything." Avarosa responded giving Serylda a smile, she looked over at Lissandra who was eating quietly. "Lissandra, are you okay?" Avarosa asked giving her sister a worried look, "I'm good, you're majesty." she responded emphasizing the last word, "Lissandra!" Serylda exclaimed who was glaring at Lissandra. "Give your sister a little respect." she added. "Oh I am giving her alot of respect, alright. I called her, 'you're majesty' right? That's a huge respect for a person like her who betrayed the Frozen Watchers!" Lissandra exclaimed making Avarosa look at her intently, Serylda just bit her lower lip. "What's your problem Lissandra?" Avarosa placed her knife and fork down, facing her younger sister. "You're my problem, Avarosa." Lissandra responded, "what's wrong with me Lissandra?" "I don't want you leading the Freljord!" Avarosa was shocked at Lissandra, she didn't know that her sister doesn't want her to lead the Freljord. "If you don't want me to lead the Freljord then you better get out of this place! Now!" Avarosa exclaimed, she lost control of herself. Lissandra stood up angrily, "why would I leave this place? This is where I grew up! And this is where I'm going to die! You can never make me leave the Freljord, you're the one wh-" before Lissandra could finish her statement, she was slapped across the face by Avarosa. "If you can't give me some respect as your sister or the Queen of Freljord? Just give me some respect as a person." Avarosa said then she walked out of the room, leaving her two sisters. Serylda approached Lissandra, "come on. Let's get you to bed." The both of them walked up the winding staircase, they walked up to dimmed hallway. Fire crackling in the process, Serylda opened the big wooden door and she was followed by her sister, Lissandra. "Get some sleep, okay?" Serylda said, she kissed Lissandra on her forehead then she blew the candle out and she left the room.

Serylda found Avarosa on the northern wing of the Palace, looking out on the balcony. "Avarosa." Serylda called out, Avarosa just looked at her. She knew that she was crying, she approached her sister and gave her a hug. She heard Avarosa sob onto her chest, she knew how much pain Avarosa was carrying for a long time. "Why does she hate me so much?" Avarosa asked in between sobs, Serylda rubbed her back trying to calm her down. "She hates you because you rallied the ice born against the Frozen Watchers." Serylda responded calmly, "It's because I realized some things, Serylda. The watchers were just using us. We're nothing to them but slaves." Serylda knew that Avarosa has a point but she can't agree with it because of Lissandra. She loves her two sisters so much, she doesn't want to pick any sides. She needs to be neutral for their sake. "Avarosa, you need to talk to her." Serylda said in a calm way, Avarosa flinched about her suggestion. The Queen pulled away from her sister looking at her intently, "why? For what?" she asked, "you're sisters. Don't let this get in the way." she responded, Avarosa just sighed and nodded her head. "It's impossible Serylda. She would never listen to me." Avarosa said as she balled her fists, Serylda noticed it. She held her sister's hands, "Avarosa. Don't let anger get in your head. You need to think." she said calmly giving her sister a warm smile. Avarosa just nodded her head in agreement and gave her sister a hug.

The next day Avarosa was awoken by a loud knock on the door, "you're highness!" her servant called out. She immediately got out of bed and rushed towards the door, she was only wearing her royal robe. She opened the door immediately then she let out a scream. Her two sisters rushed out of their rooms and they were also shocked of what they saw, Lissandra's eye were wide as well as Serylda's. They were looking at a chopped body of an Ice born guard, "w-what... the hell happened?" Avarosa asked shakily, "we just found him like this in front of your castle gates." the servant responded. Avarosa looked at her two sisters who were just staring at it, "we need to get to the bottom of this." Avarosa said but her voice was still shaking, "we found this pierced on his head." the servant said showing them an ice shard, it was black. Lissandra tried to look away but something was making her look at it. She knew what she had done that night, she knew that she used her powers to kill one of Avarosa's men but her sisters doesn't know about her ability that the Frozen Watcher's have given her. "An ice shard? Only the Frozen Watchers use that kind of weapon." Serylda said, Avarosa just nodded in agreement. "But whoever owns that Ice Shard must pay the price. He or she murdered one of my strongest men!" Avarosa exclaimed, "and if that person lives among our people. He or she is a traitor and must be killed." Avarosa added. Lissandra sneered but she immediately stopped herself from saying something because Serylda gave her a warning look. She looked at Avarosa who was just quiet, "must be killed you say? Don't worry, that'll happen." Lissandra thought to herself making her smile.


Weeks have passed and they haven't solved their problem yet. "This is frustrating!" Avarosa exclaimed, Serylda walked over to her sister placing an arm around her shoulder. "Give it a break Avarosa, you're stressing yourself." Serylda said calmly, Avarosa just sighed as she looked at her sister who gave her a warm smile. "I'm lucky that I have a sister like you." she said holding Serylda's hand on her shoulder. "You need to get some rest. I'll check on Lissandra." Serylda said and left the room. Avarosa slumped on her chair still thinking about what happened, she can't think of anyone who would do that kind of thing.

Serylda entered Lissandra's room, she saw Lissandra studying something. "What are you up to this time?" Serylda asked crossing her arms on her chest. Lissandra looked over her shoulder, chuckling. "What? I'm not planning on killing Avarosa... not at this moment." Lissandra responded whispering the last part. "Then, what are you doing?" Serylda asked again, Lissandra face her and gave her a smile. "My dear sister, I am helping Avarosa. Solving the Freljord's problems. This is a cr-" before she could finish her statement they heard a scream coming from outside. They looked at each other as they rushed out of the room, they saw Avarosa drawing out her bow. "Avarosa, what's happening?" Lissandra asked as she looked out of the balcony, she saw hundreds of trolls rummaging their city. "We need to help our people." Serylda said firmly, drawing her sword by her side. "Let's go." Avarosa said as the three of them ran out of the castle. Lissandra smiled to herself as her plans were falling into place. "Freljord will be mine." she said to herself as she ran with her sisters.

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