Chapter 2: Avarosa

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Avarosa's POV

I rushed to the aid of my people, fighting with my sisters. Serylda and Lissandra. I drew out my bow, aiming and firing with ease. A bow that was made from pure ice, if I die this sacred weapon will be buried with me and maybe later on will be found by my chosen heir. A heir who's worthy of leading Freljord and having this weapon in his/her possession with every shot that I give, I always keep in mind that I do this for my people and for the Freljord. I heard Lissandra crying for help as she was taken away by some trolls, "Lissandra!" I exclaimed running after her. "Serylda. You stay here and help our men, I'll go after Lissandra." I said to Serylda, she gave me a concerned look. "Avarosa, stay here. I'll be the one who'll get her back." she said as she tries to stop me, "no. I promise, I'll be back." I said sternly as I ran after them. "Avarosa!" Serylda called out but it was no use, I didn't look back at her.

I reached into a clearing, I saw my hawk flying above me. I gave it instructions to look for Lissandra, there are so many trees and it's quiet. Too quiet. I heard a rustling behind the bushes, I approached it and then a troll charged at me. Making me tumble back to the ground, he was about to swing his club when I fired an arrow at him. "Right between the eyes." I said to myself as I smiled. I looked around and that's when my hawk started squawking, I followed him and we reached a cave. I entered cautiously, not letting my guard down. That's when I heard Lissandra's voice again, "Lissandra!" I called out to her, when I got out of the cave I was amazed. There was a frozen lake and a palace. I heard her voice again, I followed it and that's when I entered the palace. I saw her with two trolls by her side, "Lissandra, I'm glad that you're o-" before I could finish my statement, she fired an Ice Shard at me and it hit me on my right shoulder then I remembered something. I looked at her furiously, I tried removing the ice shard but it was no use, I dropped my bow as the cold starts to spread all over my shoulder. "You! You're the one who killed my men!" I exclaimed at her angrily, I swear if looks could kill? She'll be dead in no time, Lissandra just gave out a chuckle. "Sister. You never learn do you?" she asked as she chuckled again then her facial expression changed. "You're still my reckless older sister." she added, I just looked at her unable to speak or even move because of the effect that the ice shard had given. "Speechless? Amazed by my powers Avarosa? The Frozen Watchers gave me this kind of power and I think it's time to put it into use. You see Avarosa, we have a good life when we were serving our masters. We were immortal, oh.. It's just me who's immortal. But because of your stupid rebellion and you're idiotic decision, everything has changed. Freljord almost fell apart because of you, we were united but there you are. You're the one who tried to divide the Freljord!" Lissandra said as she looked at me intently, her eyes were full of hatred and vengeance. "I didn't try to divide the Freljord. The Frozen Watchers were just using us! They want to own the Freljord by themselves, they knew that we own the Freljord! They knew that we lead our land. They want to keep our land for themselves and for theirs only! They want to consume everything that's in our land. But you can't see it be- Aaagghhh!" I was unable to finish my statement as she fired another Ice shard, hitting me on my left shoulder. "Because I'm what? Because I'm blinded by their power? You're wrong! I am trying to be faithful to our masters! I am the seeker and the voice of the Frozen Watchers!" she said as she stood up straight right in front of me. "Look at you, you're helpless without your ice bow. Because you're my sister, I would want to have a sisterly bond with you. I'll have to kill you slowly." Lissandra added as she picked me up by the neck.

I looked straight into her eyes, I know that my sister is still in there. "I know you're still in there Lissandra." I said struggling to speak because of her hand around my neck. "You're still my sister and you'll always be. Please come back to us, Lissandra. You know how much I love you, come back. We need you by our side." I added as I tried to breathe. Lissandra's lightly loosen her gripped on my neck, her facial expression began to softened. I looked straight into her eyes again, tears were starting to form. I knew it, "Lissandra." I called out to her, she looked at me with tears streaming down her cheeks. I gave her a warm smile, she approached me and she gave me a hug but moments later, I felt a sting on my side and back. She pulled away and there's her evil smirk again. "You!" I exclaimed pointing a finger at her, I tried standing up steadily but my knees are betraying me. "Traitor!" I shouted at her, she approached me again but this time yanking my hair backwards. "Traitor?! You're calling me a traitor?! Who's the traitor Avarosa? Who?! You're the one who betrayed our own masters!" she roared as she walked away from me, her backed was turned against me. "And you deserve to die." she added as she turned around to face me and she fired hundreds of Ice shards towards my direction that's when my life flashed before my eyes.

I can still remember our childhood. We were playing outside the castle, and Anivia was with us. She tried teaching us some things, things that we need to understand about the Freljord. As the princesses of Freljord we'll be the next in line who'll lead our country. No war, just peace. We are a very united Freljord, I must say. The three of us gets along with ease, Lissandra and I were really close back then. She was my baby sister and will always be my baby sister, after all that she have done.

I can also remember when we became teenagers, wearing royal garments and we're still messing around inside the palace. Chasing each other, throwing pillows and splatting cream on each other's faces. The three of us changed our childish acts when we ascended to the throne, making us the Three Princesses of Freljord. Wearing our crowns and garments, we walked around the town greeting our people. Lissandra, Serylda and I looked at each other, trying to absorb what was happening. It feels like we're still living the dream but it's true, we're really leading the Freljord.

Time passed and we were inside our palace, having our dinner. That's when one of our servants called out to us. "You're majesties." he called out, we looked at him. "The Frozen Watchers are here to talk to you." he said, the three of us looked at each other then we gave our servant some instructions before heading out. After our dinner, we went to our throne room. And we met the Frozen Watchers in human form, they bowed to us and we gave them a smile. "What brought you here?" Lissandra asked sternly, they looked at her giving her a smile. "We would like to offer you gifts, magic and immortality." they responded. The three of us looked at each other, I saw Lissandra's eyes when she heard magic. Oh no. "Why are you offering such kind of gifts?" I questioned them, "in return of your services and loyalty." they responded. I looked at my two sisters who were thinking, "it's settled then. We accept your offer." I said as I gave my sisters a reassuring smile, they smiled back at me telling me that they agree with my decision.

We gave them everything that they needed and that's when I noticed something. We were only serving them but when I looked at our people, they were also doing the same. The three of us were treated like servants too, that's when I got angry and that's when I decided to start a rebellion. I told my people about what the Frozen Watchers were doing to the Freljord they joined me but I didn't know that will ruin my relationship with my sister but what I've done was right. It was for our people.

I opened my eyes and a tear escaped my eyes, I gave Lissandra a smile. "Farewell my sister, please forgive me." those were last my words to her then I was strucked by hundreds of ice shards. I laid down on my own pool of blood then a young Serylda, Lissandra and I appeared in my head. Holding my hand, taking me somewhere far away from this place.

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