~Horny alligator~

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•The Glamrocks wear clothes because, yes.
•The pov is From Freddy's point of view.


My friends and I were on the elevator down to parts and service, after we got checked we got sent to our rooms, but i noticed that, Monty seemed to be angry, I was worried, Monty was always this angry but I needed to see if he was okay, I then saw Monty go to Gator golf, once Roxy and chica left to their rooms, I went to Gator golf to find Monty sitting up on the catwalk leaning on the bar of the catwalk, the fence basically, "What're ya doin' here Faztits?..." Monty asked, "I noticed you were mad, what's wrong?" I asked, "Ah'm not necessarily...mad...am'm just feeling odd...now leave me alone Faztits," Monty responded, I then got more worried, then i go up the stairs to the catwalk and speed walk to Monty and go infront of him, Monty growled and looked at me, i blushed and then toughened up, "Montgomery! I don't know what you are feeling, but is there something I can...do to help?" I asked, Monty then looked around and fixed his glasses that were on his face and Freddy watched, "Ya wouldn't do it...fuck, ya don't even know how to help, ya won't do it..." Monty stated, i then walked close to him, "No matter what it is! I will help!" I told Monty, Monty then took off his glasses and looked at me and...smirked? I was confused, Monty stopped leaning on the rail of the catwalk and walked close to me making me grip the other rail that was Infront of him but behind me, Monty then grabbed my hands on the rail and i blushed and looked up into Monty's eyes, Monty then leaned closer and i began to sweat, Monty then leaned closer then...kissed me deeply, i turn red, Monty broke the kiss, "If ya are wantin' ta help me...Yer gonna have ta do what ah say~" Monty said, i got nervous as he kissed me again, and slowly touched my crotch with one of his hands, and i flinched and Monty broke the kiss, "W-what are you doing?" I asked nervous, "Didn't ya say it didn't matter what it was ya can do it?~ well then you brought this on yerself~" Monty said in a low voice, Monty started to take off my pants and i looked away blushing gripping the rail tightly, and the second i looked back at Monty, my pants were off and so were my underwear, i began to sweat as Monty undone his belt and took it off, i closed my eyes tightly until Monty was done but i didn't open my eyes, "Come on fazbear~ open Yer eyes~" Monty demanded, i just opened my eyes, just to see a cock, "M-Monty, how is t-this supposed to, h-help you?" I said scared and nervous "Ye'll see right now~" Monty said seductively, he then held my waist tightly and turned me around and i gripped the rail again but my back was facing Monty, Monty kept holding my waist and pulled my waist closer to him, i then felt a weight on my lower back, i closed my eyes as i felt something roughly go inside of me, "GAH!~ M-Monty! What are you d-doing!?~" I yelled, Monty then moved back and forth and leaned close to my ear, "Don't ye want to help me?~ come on, ya can help me for a bit~" i froze but i was still moaning from Monty moving in and out of me still, "Well Y-yeah i do w-want to NGH~ but I-i didn't expect y-you to do t-this!~" I said, moans still slipping out of my mouth, "Fuck~ ya have no idea how long ah have been waiting today ta do this~ especially to ye~" i didn't say anything and kept moaning, a lot, i couldn't help it, i wanted Monty to stop but at the same time i didn't, something was happening to me that i didn't even know about, i started to crave it more as Monty went at an even faster pace then he was going before, so my moan grew louder and high pitched, "Holy shit, Ah neva' knew ya were so Mm~ warm~" Monty said to me, i blushed and i just let my moans slip out as i lay my head on the railing still gripping onto it tightly, "Y'know, ah want to see yer face while ah fuck ya~" Monty stated, he then pulled his dick out of me and turned my around and then pushed me to the side onto the ground of the catwalk making me grunt from falling, Monty looked at me and pinned me down, he lifted my legs and put them over his shoulders and then he was holding my hands to the ground making sure they didn't move, and hovered over me and he roughly pounded inside of me, i moaned loudly and wrapped my legs around Monty's back and then he moved even faster, my eyes rolled back and i teared up moaning, "Look how cute ya are~ fuck, now i want to do this all day~" Monty pronounced to me, i didn't answer, but then he slowed down his pace, and right when he did, i said something i didn't even know i could slip out, "K-Keep going! Go faster~" i then turned red as Monty smirked, "So ye are enjoying this~ well of course ah can go faster~" and just like Monty said, he did go faster, and i moaned, at this rate i was a moaning mess with my fur all curly and messed up, i don't even know how it happened, "This is more Ngh~ relaxin' after a performance ain't it? Bein' able to get Mm~ a break like this, ah Mm~ might not reach mah limit just yet~" Monty explained, and he may have not have been reaching his limit but, i was reaching mine, and pretty fast, my legs got tighter around Monty's back and Monty went a lot faster then did before causing to moan louder then before, and then i started to say something i didn't even know what i was talking about, "F-Fuck yeah, t-thats good, K-Keep going~ gah!~ F-faster Monty!~ go faster~" Monty seemed surprised when i said then but he listened and went very fast, and i moan in pleasure, i haven't felt something this good, ever, Monty unpinned my hands from the ground and i wrap them around his neck and moan as he kept moving, "Holy shit~ ah outta send ya ta mfh~ parts and service's when ah'm done with ya!~" Monty deeply said, "Y-yeah!~ Send me to NGH~ parts and service's~ don't stop MFH~ moving!~" i was talking like a complete slut, but i didn't care at all, I couldn't think, my thoughts were blank but the thing is, i really enjoyed this, tho it was my first time of me doing this, i look Monty in the eyes as he was still moving in and out of me, i kept moaning as Monty kissed me roughly using his tongue and i couldn't help but kiss back, Monty then broke the kiss and pulled his dick out of me and sat back and leaned on the rail sitting down, "C'mon fazbear~ ya know what ta do, suck~" Monty Demanded, i the crawled over to him and put my hand around Monty's dick and hovered my mouth above it, i licked his tip and then began to suck bobbing my head up and down sucking on his dick, Monty had groaned in delight and put his hand on my head and took a grip on my head and moved my head up and down faster which took me by surprise but i just kept sucking, "God~ Mmm~ C-considerin' this is h
Yer first ngh~ time Yer Mm~ good at this~" Monty said under his breath, he moaned as i kept going, he then pulls his dick out of my mouth and then he grabbed my wrist and pulled me into his lap and i knew what he needed me to do, i moved myself into his cock slowly and i moaned quietly and then i fully sat on Monty's dick and moaned, i began to move up and down and moaned loudly as i buried my face into Monty's chest moaning as i moved up and down faster, Monty looked at me with a list filled look in his eyes, i tear up and i went faster and i grip onto Monty's shoulders tightly and my eyes rolled back, and Monty wiped my tears and kissed me, i moaned through the kiss as i kissed back slowly and Monty started using tongue, i felt too weak to use my tongue back but did it gently, Monty broke the kiss and then started to roughly pound into me knowing i was getting to weak to move and i moaned very loudly and gripped Monty's shoulders even tighter, "Wow Fazbear~ ah'm almost ta my climax~ thanks ta ya Freddy~ this will be done soon~" Monty Told me, i blushed deeply as he kept moving, i had reached my Climax and Came already and Monty smirked, "Look at who reached their climax~ ye did fazbear~ and ah'm almost ta mine~"
"J-Just shut up a-and c-continue~ I demanded, Monty did so and kept going at an increasing speed i moaned as Monty huffed and slowed down, i moaned a little more calmly, "ight Freddy, in or out?" Monty asked still moving, "I-i want it mm~ In~" I answered, moaning under my breath, Monty then went extremely fast and roughly pounded inside of my holding my waist, i moans loudly and teared up, then, Monty cummed inside of my making me groan, i huffed as Monty did too, he pulled himself out of my and i huffed more, i could barely talk, 'What just happened?' I thought to myself blushing, "Now that was lots of fun wasn't it?" Monty asked, i nodded amd buried my face into Monty's chest and he chuckled and placed his hand on my head, i enjoyed that, a lot... "Ah, love ya Freddy," Monty said, it took me by surprise and i blushed but then i smiled, "I love you too Monty!" I said smiling, i then kissed him and he kissed back, afterwards we just sat there, with Monty sitting on the ground and with me I'm his lap, I chuckled and then cuddled him, Monty had cuddled back, I love Monty, i always will...and always have...

{Words: 1806}

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