Part 1: The calm before the blizzard

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It was the night before Christmas and all through the house, not a creature was stirring, not even a mouse. The stockings were hung by the chimney with care, in hopes that Old Saint Nicholas will soon be there.

Christmas time, the best time of the year...nay, the greatest time of the year in history. Everyone in Paris was all prepared to celebrate the holidays. Isabelle Parker and her family came to Paris for Christmas vacation at Sipher's home. He's her uncle, her aunt Lindsay's husband, or in this case... Widow. With the money Isabelle and father Ken had earn from the court case against the late Osborne Twins last year, funded the FEAST hotel and townhouses in Neo-Tech, and the FEAST Mega Home established in Paris, they plan on throwing a huge party with tons of food, drinks, and presents for all the homeless people.

Isabelle was thrilled to tell her friends, Lea, Macy, Ruth, Daisy, Sasha and Owen, about the party. Her mother Penelope has even informed the family that, with approval from Mayor Bustier and approval from the Agreste-Dupain-Chang foundation, they'll be able to afford massive amounts of guests and special cooks for the party

To make sure everyone will be satisfied to have the best Christmas ever.

"This is gonna be exciting. Our first Christmas in Paris." Ken said. "Don't you agree, Fam?" There was a brief silence for a moment. Ken sees his daughter, his wife, his mother-in-law Blythe, and his brother in-law feeling a little blue. "What's wrong?" He asked.

"Nothing's wrong, Dad. It's just that...when you say our first's not just our first Christmas in Paris," Isabelle reminded her Dad. "It's also our second Christmas...without Aunt Lindsay."

Ken forgot about that. It has been tough since last year Nathalie Sancour, aka Mayura, shot and killed Aunt Lindsay. The first Christmas was a little difficult since Blythe, Penelope, and Isabelle mostly cried and tried their best to move on. Sipher distanced himself from the family since Lindsay's death. Until months ago, he opened up again.

"That is true. I'm sorry." Ken replied.

"It's fine, Kenny." Blythe said. "I know my late husband and late daughter wouldn't want us to sulk too much about her demise. What's important is that we make Christmas special for this family and everyone else here."

"True. I'll go over to Tsurugi Technologies to see if I can get to work on something that will keep Paris happy for the new year that's coming." Sipher said, as he goes outside."

"Mom and I will be at FEAST Mega Home to get the preparations ready for this weekend." Penelope said, as she and her mom Blythe left outside.

"See you later, mom and Grandma." Isabelle said, waving.

"I guess you'll go meet your superhero friends." Ken assumed to his daughter.

"You bet, daddy." Isabelle said. "What about you?"

"I'm gonna go shop for some presents. Ms. Raincomprix and her fellow police friends are gonna help me with that errand." Ken replied.

"Good for you." Isabelle said. "I got to get going. See ya later." She then waved at her dad goodbye, as she left.

"Bye, Izzy." Ken said, as he prepares to go outside.


Isabelle dances around ,as she is very excited because Christmas is her favorite holiday. She then felt a little hungry and went to the bakery to get a bite to eat. She went inside and sees Marinette's parents; Tom and Sabine Dupain-Chang.

"Hey, Mr. And Mrs. Dupain-Chang." Isabelle said, waving at the two.

"Oh, hi, Izzy." Sabine said. "Happy holidays."

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