Part 2: Let's save Christmas

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Chloe continued her ranting on the TVs all over Paris. Laughing at the fact that she has deliberately kidnapped Santa Claus.

"That's right, Paris, Santa Claus is mine now! And if you want your precious Christmas back, then you must obey me, make me your queen of Paris, and I may let Santa give you one present. If you decline, then I will siphon Santa of all his magical powers! And just to make it easier, if you truly want Santa back, then you have to give me... All the miraculouses of my former treacherous allies, Ladybug and Cat Noir. So I can make my Christmas wish. You got until midnight. Oherwise, Christmas will be called... Chloemas! And when I have Santa's power, you'll never have Christmas again!" She laughs like a psycho, while Adrien and Marinette were shocked and upset while they were helping with the party at FEAST.

"Is she serious?!" Marinette said. "This is what Chris did sixteen years ago as Christmaster trying to make Christmas all about him."

"And she's gonna zap Santa of his powers? How would that work?" Adrien asked. "I never really asked Santa how he does travel all over the world in one night."

"Either with snow globes, or speed time." Marinette heard Lea's voice as she, Macy, and Isabelle walked in.

"Girls, what are you doing here?" Marinette asked.

"Simple, really," Isabelle said. "Chloe kidnapped Santa, and worse, she stole my presents to my spider friends."

"She has seriously suck to a new low." Macy exclaimed.

"And we just heard about how she wants to take Santa's power for her own." Lea added, making a fist. "And, just like Hawk Moth, she wants your miraculouses to make a 'Christmas wish'." She air quoted with her fingers.

"I know. Obviously, she won't do that," Marinette said. "She just wants revenge on everyone here because her dad stopped being the mayor for 16 years."

"We need to find her and stop her from ruining Christmas." Adrien said.

"Thankfully, after all her broadcasting, we figured out where she is." Isabelle said, as Lea and Macy joined into the answer. "She's in City Hall!"

"That...makes sense, now that I think about it." Adrien stated. "City Hall used to be her home when her dad was the mayor."

"Not to mention how she keeps abusing her dad's power to get what she wanted." Macy added, quenching her hands into fists.

"Since we know where she is, we can stop her, get Santa, and the decorations back." Isabelle exclaimed. "No one is gonna ruin our Christmas and gets away with it."

"Then, we'll come, too." Marinette said.

"Sorry, but we can't let you do that." Macy said.

"What?" Adrien asked. "Why not?"

"Chole's expecting you two easily." Isabelle replied. "And besides, she use to work with Lila, so who knows what she could have up her sleeves from that lying witch."

"We'll stop her for good." Lea said. "But then, after we beat her, you can use your miraculous ladybug to restore everything back to normal."

"We beat her as Queen Fantasy before, and we can do it again as Queen Antibug." Macy added.

"Okay, then, we trust you." Marinette said with confidence. "But be careful, each time we faced her, she gets more unstable like she wants the explode."

"We'll keep that in mind." Lea said. "And maybe after New Year's Eve, you can tell us about her two extra akumatizations into Sole Destroyer and Mayor Queen."

Marinette and Adrien's faces turned blue when they heard those names. And they remember that moment from the past too much. As the girls left, Marinette felt a cold chill.

The Miraculous Spider-Tsundere Christmas SpecialWhere stories live. Discover now