Chapter 11

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And you can't tell grandma cause her heart can't take it:



"Please tell me you're joking," Jennie stammers, looking at the bright coloured lake in front of them.

"Nope," Y/n says, a shit eating smile on her face as she lowers herself to sit down on the massive rock. "A kid even got bitten like, two years ago. It was just a kind of water snake, though. Their poison isn't strong enough to kill humans so no need to be scared."

"Wow. I feel so reassured now. Let me just jump right in there and befriend them!" Jennie huffs.

"What is this place? Why are there so many wild animals here?"

"Because we are in the wild?" Y/n snorts, her eyes squinted cutely as she looks up at Jennie. "Stop being such a baby. We swim in there all the time."

Jennie crouches down to touch the water. It's not as cold as she expected it to be.

"Also, it's been a while since I last saw a snake. I don't think there are any around, right now," Y/n continues speaking, watching Jennie play with the water. "They must've been scared away by your ugly face."

Jennie smirks and splashes some water in Y/n's face, who jumps and closes her eyes against the sudden wetness.

"What are you? Twelve?"

"Don't call me ugly. I'm beautiful."

Y/n snorts, wiping her face with the hem of her shirt.

Jennie rolls her eyes and turns back to to the lake. "So you're saying it's safe to swim in here?"

"Yeah, sure."

"Let's swim then."

"We don't have swim trunks."

"Y/n," Jennie says. "Our bra and panties are essentially swim trunks."

"No, they're not." Y/n scoffs, furrowing her eyebrows.

"Yes. They're like bikini, what's the difference?"

"they gets fucking see-through when it's wet." Y/n says. "And I don't want to see your body."

Jennie sighs and gets up to remove her shirt. "Fucking buzzkill."

She glances at Y/n after stepping out of her jeans, trying not to smile when she sees the girl pointedly looking the other way.

The water might've felt warm enough on her hand but once it touches her torso Jennie really regrets this whole going-for-a-swim idea. She lets out an whine, much to Y/n's amusement.


"No." Jennie snaps, hearing Y/n cackle behind her.

She wades further into the water, the waterfall a few feet away sprinkling water on her arms and decides to stay here where her feet can still touch the rocks beneath. Jennie lowers herself until only her eyes are peeking out of the surface and stares at Y/n like a crocodile eyeing it's prey.

"You look stupid." Y/n dryly comments, but there's a curl to her lips, like she's trying not to smile.

Jennie ignores the what she hopes is a half hearted insult. "Can I ask you something?"

"You would ask even if I said no."

Jennie grins. "So... Namjoon might've said something about both your families wanting you two to get married."

Y/n's eyes flash with bitter annoyance and she tilts her head back with a roll of her eyes. "Why would he tell you that?"

"What? Is it not true?"

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