Chapter 12

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Lisa facetimes her the next day.

Jennie puts the phone down and lies down on her stomach on her bed, closing her eyes to give them a much needed rest. Kuma is lying next to her on the bed and Jennie swears the look in her eyes is pitying, like she knows exactly what's going on.

"You know, there's a reason I'm facetiming you," Lisa mutters. "I'm not saying your grandma's ceiling isn't mesmerizing but I haven't seen you in 84 years so do me favour and show me your ugly mug."

Jennie groans and lifts the phone enough to show her best friend her face.

"Fucking hell," Seungcheol curses. "What happened to you?"

"Didn't sleep last night."

"Last night or the whole week?" Seungcheol sighs and Jennie sees her lean back against the row of pillows on her bed. "Is it not better at all?"


"Shit, Jen." Lisa mumbles. "Think you should see your doctor again when you're back?"

Jennie props her face up on her hand, shrugging her shoulders as best as she can in her current position. "It's not like he can help me. Let's not talk about this."

"But Jennie-"

"I really don't want to talk about it." Jennie says, plastering a smile on her face. "Sorry, Lis, can you just- distract me?"

Her best friend's gaze grows concerned. "Are you okay?"

Jennie is about to lie and say yes, she's fine, but it's been more than a week with her not being able to talk freely, her holding back and being mindful about her every word and move and it's getting exhausting.

That and her tiny not so tiny problem called Y/n is starting to mess with her mind and there's no one she can talk to about it.

"I don't know." Jennie smiles weakly.

"What happened?" Lisa frowns. "Oh my god, you had sex with a farmer guy, didn't you? Oh my fucking god-"

"What the fuck?" Jennie interrupts her. "Why would I- Lis I'm gay!"

"Sorry, I just- you look really troubled, okay? What else was I supposed to think?"

"Literally anything else but that." Jennie huffs and drops her head with a groan, pounding it against the mattress.

"Jen, girl, you're worrying me. What's going on?"

"I've got a problem, like... okay, not really, but it's turning into one and I don't know what to do."

"Okay," Lisa carefully says. "How about you tell me about this problem and I give you some nice best friend adivce like I always do, huh?"

Lisa and her met back in middle school when they were both fourteen and have been friends ever since. Lisa has seen Jennie at her best and worst and has always stuck around no matter what and she always knows a solution to one of Jennie's seemingly never ending problems.

"I think I'm-" Jennie starts but stops herself, letting out a groan into her bedsheets. She can't believe she's going to say out loud what's been on her mind for the past few days. "So. Uhm. There's this girl here-"

"Well, fuck me." Lisa mutters and Jennie gulps at the blatant disappointment and pity that spreads on her best friend's face. "If you're going to tell me you fell in love with a straight, conservative farmer's girl up there I'm going to flip shit-"

"No!" Jennie shakes her head innocently. "I mean- technically she's not a farmer's girl."

"Oh my fucking god, Jen!" Lisa groans and flops forwards on her bed, the screen going black for a moment before her face appears again. "What did I tell you before you left?"

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