Letters from afterlife

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Letters between Earth and Heaven: Delivered by Lord Krishna


"Dear Angaraj

I thought I would hate you less in death, but I hate you more.

You are more evil than even I had imagined. I cannot believe you chose a battle to death for us knowing we are brothers. And I cannot believe that even when the end was nearing, you did not speak of it, if only to stop your younger brother from committing a sin that would haunt him for life.

Everyone seems to think it is our mother who is to blame, but I cannot hate my mother. Madhav, they say, also knew the truth; for me, he is also impossible to hate. 

So it is you I must hate, and you, I do.

Wherever you are, I hope you are happy knowing that even in death you managed to ruin your enemy's life. That is what you always wanted, anyway.



"My dear anuj,

I cannot do anything from here but wish that someday the hatred burns out from your heart and you can think to forgive me.

For me, it did one moment before your arrow hit me. I wished, then, our mother had revealed the truth to me before things had gone too far to turn back.

I think I would have liked to have five brothers.

Love and best wishes from your eldest brother."


"Dear Angaraj

To ask my hatred for you to burn out is like asking the sky to stop raging during a storm. Imagine us in reversed roles, and you will understand.

Also, you do not have any right to call me your anuj from the other world. You had all the time in this world to do so. 



"Dear Arjun,

I truly cannot imagine us in reversed roles. I was the lucky one, I know. But what would you have done, if our mother told you? Would you have forsaken the war and let Duryodhan take your brother's kingdom?




"Dear Angaraj,

I do not have any idea what I would have done, because thanks to you and Maa, I never got to take the decision.



"Dear Arjun,

If I try to explain to you why I acted as I did, it would seem like I am justifying myself, thus demeaning your grief, and it would make it harder for you to forgive me. So I accept all responsibility for whatever happened, and simply hope for your forgiveness.

Also, will you stop signing off with farewell? It makes me fear each time that you will not write back.


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