We can make it through this ~Ziall~Lilo~Zarry

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So hey.. This is my first fanfic . YAY!!! So basically this is just an A/N and what the boys are like and ohh im going to be updating basically everyday since my life is boring as fuck.. Um but yea im like totally in love with Ziall!!!! Their my favorite bromance. Second comes Lilo third is Ziam and Zarry.. Okay so here they're descriptions:


One direction finally gets a break for a few months. The boys go to an island.

Zayn : the Sexy beast and quiet. Zayn doesn't realize but 2 out of 4 of his band mates are utterly in love with him. Oh did i mention Their all gay but management,fans, and the press except them. Anyways getting back to the story.. Zayn is in love with Niall and Harry but doesnt know which one he loves more. Louis knows because they're bestfriends.

Niall : the cute shy one. He has fallen in love with his bandmate but has a feeling he's not the only one who likes Zayn in this group. Niall often gets jealous of how close and touchy Louis and Zayn are but he just eats away saying that their only friends nothing more, but he doesnt even believe himself. He's and emotional mess because he thinks Zayn will never love him the way he loves him..

Harry: the cheeky cupcake! He has fallen head over heels in love with Zayn Malik. Whenever he sees Louis and Zayn together he often tries to separate them and trying to have alone time with Zayn, but to no prevail he fails. He hates how Louis is all touchy feely with Zayn, and how louis always pulls Zayn on his lap, or the way he kisses his cheek or on a bad day for Harry his lips. Harry hates how Louis is so clingy to Zayn. But loves louis anyway (in a brotherly way)

Louis: the joker. :p Louis love all his bandmates especially Zayn and Liam. But Louis only loves them two because Zayn is his bestmate .. But is utterly in love with Liam. Louis know Liam loves him back but just to afraid to make a move but Louis doesnt want to make the move either for an odd reason. Another secret Louis knows is that not only Niall is in love with Zayn but also is Harry. He would tell Zayn but he'd DIE if he did. Louis also thinks Niall and Harry get jealous when he touches Zayn the way he does, but he only does it cause he feels the need to protect Zayn. Louis knows he's clingy to zayn but Zayn doesnt seem to mind so louis just continues to.

Liam: Daddy Direction! Liam loves all the boys with all his heart but one just stands out. Louis. Liam doesnt know what he feels towards Louis. Love? Or just a crush? Even if it was a crush he would make the first move but is scared that it might not last and break the whole band apart. Liam know that when Louis kisses and makes Zayn sit on his lap its because Louis is over-protective and wants Zayn to be safe and happy. So Liam doesnt get jealous. As daddy direction he can sense when people are hiding things. So when it come to love Liam got his degree to become the doctor of it . He know the Harry and Niall are in love with Zayn but Liam just keeps to himself and pretends he doesnt know. Liam thinks to himself " I'll step in when theres fighting or aruguing"

Okay so the the first chapter should be up in a few hours umm yea byee


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