Chapter 8

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Hey soo erm new chappie . OH MY GOD so I just remembered watching a video of the boys and Liam was like they read our fanfics so I just wanna say : If you boys or any other celebrity I use(d) in this story are reading this I have nothing against you and I just had the thought of this story for a while so I wanted other people to see. Soo um yea I hope they haven't read it and took it to heart because I never wanted to intentionally offend them soo yea sorry... I guess... Well here's the story 

Zayn's P.O.V

It's been 2 day since I've gotten home from my fantastic date with Niall. 2 days since I've been inside this hotel room and not once letting any of the other boys in except Harry.2 days and I've only had contact with 1 other human , Harry. 2 day of endless beating and name calling from Harry. Even though he hurts me I always forgive him.  I'm snapped out of my thoughts when Harry snaps his fingers in my face.

"HUH, oh sorry Haz I just zoned out a bit " I say alittle frightened of what he might do

" Ya what ever . Someone's gunna be over soon so don't get in our way okay" He says chuckling and patting my un-quiffed hair. I simply nod

*10 mins harry's man friend is here*

"JERRY!!" I hear Harry shout as I'm changing into this outfit Harry told me to wear. It was a little maid dress barely covering my bum. It had a butt-plug that vibrated I'm guessing by a remote. I pushed the butt-plug in and put on the maid outfit and 'maid' my way out of the bathroom to meet Harry and a good looking bloke with light brown hair and green eyes.

" Oh I see you go into the outfit with ease right?" Harry said and with a flick of the remote that was in his hand I started to feel an uncomfortable yet pleasurable vibrating in my bum. I simply nod and walk to the guy looking down and holding my hand out to shake his. Instead he pulls me into a hug , his hands on my bum squeezing it a bit. 

" I'm Jerry and you must be Zayn" He said with a smile . I just nodded not trusting my voice

" Okay, Zayn c'mere" Harry says holding his arms out . I walk over to him but instead of a hug he turns me around and grabs my waist making me sit on him . I moan in pain and pleasure as the butt-plug is being pushed further and slightly touching my prostate.

" Well someone's in the mood " Jerry says while chuckling and pulling me off Harry and setting me on his lap . I could tell he was mouthing something to Harry because of the devlish face Harry made . He pulled out the remote and flicked it I'm guessing to low because it got me moaning. He then flicked it up a notch to medium which got me grinding myself into the butt-plug and on Jerry's lap. The last one , high, got me bouncing and moaning for more but it suddenly stopped and I pouted looking at Harry with pleading eyes.

" Jerry do me a favour and pleasure him I'm way to tired and I'd like to see to hot blokes , of course other than myself , fucking." Harry said and clapped 

I was so desperate for his touch that I tried to get up and run to him but was stopped by Jerry's arms around my waist

" Jerry let me go please " I said pleadingly 

" Sorry he said I have to pleasure you " He said unbuttoning my pants

" HARRY TELL HIM TO STOP TOUCHING ME! " I yelled tears streaming down my face 

" Sorry don't really want to, your just a slut anyways " Harry said simply and walked off to the bathroom. Moments later the shower started running. Once he got out he was watching intensively at Jerry thrusting into my helpless and defenseless  body. 

Jerry left and Harry said he was going to see the lads and get dinner.

My heart cracked knowing Harry watched as his so called 'friend' raped me. All he did was get horny and wank himself. Is it bad that I still love him even though he beats me and let me get raped? I was snapped out of my thought as I heard a loud gasp. I looked up from my sitting position on the bed , my tear stained cheeks and more coming down, my poor used body. I saw Liam and his face looked frightened at the sight and tears were welling up in his eyes.

" Hey Li-Li " I said but my voice cracking on every word and sounding very hoarse

" What the fuck happened Zayniee, your face is all bruised with hand and finger prints and purple bruises and your body just looks mangled ." He said as he finally let the tears flow

" Oh umm I-erm ." I struggled to find words and hold back tears

" Zayn tell me or I'm gunna have to tell Lou and you know he'll go ballistic and kill whoever did this to you , not saying I won't oh trust me I will."

" Li-Li I'm being a-a-abused by Harry and-and his friend J-Jerry r-raped me " I said and threw myself to Liam searching for safety and warmth. Lately I haven't been getting any from Harry. I don't even know why I still love the lad.

soo erm sorry this chappie is just a filler . In the next chapter see what Liam and Louis and Niall will do to Harry for hurting and touching Zayn. Will Harry be able to compose himself and pick up the pieces of the band that he broke and put it back together? Will Niall be clingy or distant from Zayn. I feel like Im adding to much drama but w.e  . um yea vote and comment your feed back

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