The Ghost Teff

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"I scrounged some money up to buy you a gift to make up for the... three Christmases I've missed."

"You're three years too late," Simon says, setting his stuff down on the bed.

"I know 

I haven't been the father that's alive for three years, but I still wanted to get you a present for Christmas."

"Right. I almost forgot that you were dead," Simon says.

"Well, son, the present will be here when you want it."

That night, as Simon is about to sleep, a ghostly wail rings out through the halls. As soon as it stops, there is three knocks on the door.

Simon looks at the door, bored out of his mind. He slumps up out of bed and reaches for the door knob.

A ghostly Teff stands there, looking at something above your head. "RePeNt..."

"I have no reasons to repent, now who are you?" Simon says, looking up and seeing... nothing. He snaps at Teff, "There's nothing up there!"

"rEpEnT fOr YoUr SiNs AgAiNsT cHrIsTmAsTiMe..."Simon now clearly sees that this is not the Teff he knows, but the ghostly version of his father from his days as a horse soldier.

"What the heck‽" Simon says, back up against the wall.

"YoU hAvE gRiEvOuSlY sInNeD aGaInSt ChRiStMaStImE... aNd YoU wIlL bE vIsItEd By ThReE gHoStS... tHe GhOsT oF cHrIsTmAs PaSt... ThE gHoSt Of ChRiStMaS pReSeNt... AnD tHe GhOsT oF cHrIsTmAs FuTuRe..."

"Funny," Simon says. "Whoever is doing this can stop."

"AfTeR tHaT... iF yOu CoNtInUe To DiSbElIeVe In ChRiStMaS mAgIc... ThEn YoU sHaLl FoReVeR rEgReT yOuR aCtIoNs..." Teff flies up. The clock strikes 12. "ThEn YoU sHaLl FoReVeR rEgReT yOuR aCtIoNs..." He flies out the window, and disappears.

"Okay, well now that that's over, I can get some rest." Simon sighs.

Christmas One-Shot, 2022Where stories live. Discover now