The Ghost Ohsus

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When the clock rings in an hour, it wakes Simon for some reason. He soon realises that the clock has rung... 12 times.

"It was just a dream," Simon sighs in relief. However, a light shines from behind the door to the hallway. Merry melodies drift from behind the door. Simon stares at it. Moving through solid objects, a ghostly-version of Ohsus stands in the doorway.

Finally, he speaks. Though it is faint, it is clear as day to Simon. "WhY dOn'T wE gO dOwN mEmOrY lAnE, sHaLl We?"

The room slowly changes, until it isn't there anymore. Then they're flying over the Las Aminour countryside, time quickly passing in the blink of an eye. Until they're at the Ulcrate's farmstead in the Outskirts of the Darkness.

In the background, one of Simon's childhood friends, Rieka, watches as a group of monster hunters look at some tracks left by an unknown creature.

But Simon never noticed that before, because all he was worried about at that time was when Teff was going to get home.

"What is going on?" Simon asks.

The figure resembling Ohsus says, "Do YoU wIsH fOr A cLoSeR lOoK, sImOn?"

"I don't know what this is," Simon demands. "But keep me out of it!"

The ghost Ohsus seems not very expressive, but appears to be confused. "We OnLy HaVe A fEw MoRe StOpS tO gO tHrOuGh, SiMoN. dOn'T bE fRiGhTeNeD..."

At that moment, a soldier atop a horse rides up to the house, with a small child riding with him. Despite not being able to see who it was, Simon knows that it is Akyan, the deep elf his father adopted. He scolds Akyan, because he was irresponsible, and an adventurer.

Akyan walks right past Simon, not even noticing him. Teff opens the door, and the child Akyan enters the house. And then, surprising Simon, he hears sounds of happiness from Simon at the sight of Akyan. Almost as though he was hoping for a brother.

"Hello there, what's your name?" Simon ask the young Akyan.

"Take me out of here," the real Simon says, looking at the ghost Ohsus.

The ghostly Ohsus replies. "yOu Do NoT wIsH tO sTaY aNy LoNgEr?"

"This is not Akyan or me. Take me away." Simon says, plainly.

"UnDeRsToOd, SiMoN..."

The scene changes to a year later, SiMoN and Teff are waiting inside the house, looking concerned. Shortly after, Akyan stumbles back to the house, covered in blood and cuts. Teff hugs Akyan, caringly, but Simon screams at him and stomps away.

Simon just stares in silence, "He shouldn't have done what he did."

"i CaN lEaD yOu To ThE lAsT oNe If YoU wIsH..."

Christmas One-Shot, 2022Where stories live. Discover now