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It started around the age of 10-ish when I first got a present on my birthday. For some weird reason my parents bought me a small teddy bear. I guess I was curious about what I should do with it so I got the brilliant of putting it down there, on my crotch. From then on, I started masterbating.

I never knew what it was at the time but I started doing it every night. It felt wonderful. Hitting that one spot on repeat. Listening to my  heavy breaths made me confused but it was hard not to let out any sounds. When I got older, I found out what I've been doing and felt discussed. I've been giving myself sexual pleasure for years and didn't know what it meant.

I've decided to stop masterbating until I get myself back together. I cannot continue this behavior without feeling guilty.


I walked to school horny as fuck. I've been having what's called wet dreams for days.

"I feel so hot" I thought as I walked inside of the school. My best friend, Yumi greeted me at the door and we started to head to class.

"Jinyoung" She said. "Are you okay? You look a little red? Do you have a fever or something".

"O-oh. My fine" I said back to her. She still looked concerned but nodded hoping it was nothing more.

First period was okay. Having math as your first period isn't exciting but the class went by quickly. After one more period passed, I felt more horny. The person who sat beside me was licking a lollipop. I could help but think of him licking inside of me. It sucked, no pun intended. When the period ended, I headed to the cafeteria and got myself a hot dog. I sat at a table far from everyone so I could get my thoughts together. Yumi walked in and got herself a burger and sat in front of me.

"Jinyoung. Are you sure you are okay? You been avoiding me today. " She said.

"I haven't been avoiding just you. I'm avoiding everyone because of my horny ass brain" I thought. "I'm fine, I'm fine" I told her.

"Oh yeah I forgot. Today, girl added me on instagram. And guess what? She cute as fuck" She exclaimed.

"Really? Wow lucky." I smiled at her back.

"I want to so smash her, omg" She giggled. Screw my horny brain cause those words made me more horny. She noticed that my face when more red and asked me if I was okay again but I paid no mind.

After lunch I had gym and I felt like I was going to faint. I'm not athletic so, I guess me drinking a lot of water was normal but of course. I had other reasons.

Drama class was next and I could be more teriffed. I had to do a kissing scene with the same person that sits beside me during math class. I guess the classmates I was working with wanted some gay representation, but my life couldn't be any worse. The amount of whines and moans I've been holding back every time he touched my skin couldn't be described. Fuck my horny mind.

Our group walked through the play that we were going to present next week. It was going well until the kissing scene. The scene started with me crying and tell him that I was sorry for blah blah blah. Not important. Then he push me against the wall. "Wait, this wasn't in the script." I thought as my face slowly turned red. He pushed his lips onto mine and we started kissing. Again with going against the script , he push his tongue in and grabbed my waist. He slowly swirled his tongue around my mouth then let go with me letting out a soft moan. "ah~". Then he continued the script like nothing ever happened. "What the FUCK!!" I thought. My mind was going crazy. My face turned more red than it should have been and I was sent down to the office. I guess I looked really fucking sick.

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