10. Battle In A Hotel Room

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Follow me if you're already invested in this story because I'll keep writing similar stories in the future, and you might miss out

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"You sleep with me," Qingcang stated in a deep, menacing voice.

Lina gave him a bewildered look. "Ah!" she exclaimed, poking Qingcang in the chest to assert her boundaries, causing him to be shocked by her behavior. "Hold up! Have you lost your senses? Did the portal and our... moment... make you silly? I'm a female; you're a male. We can't sleep together!" she exclaimed in disbelief, still looking at him funny.

Lina's sudden poke took Qingcang by surprise and made his temper rise. He could not believe the audacity of this mere human to touch him with such disrespect and arrogance. His eye twitched, and he closed his eyes to suppress the urge to unleash his Hellfire and reduce her home to ashes.

'I never thought that being in the presence of this Silly Little Human would be harder than conquering the three realms combined in a day,' Qingcang thought as he lowered his head and buried his forehead in his hand. When he opened his eyes again, Lina looked funny at him. He lowered his hand and returned her gaze. "What moment of ours are you referring to?" he asked, confusion evident in his voice.

Lina hesitated before answering, "You know...that...thing we did." She was embarrassed to answer his question, feeling silly for even bringing it up. 'Our kiss, you dummy!' she thought, unable to believe how dense Qingcang was regarding the male-female interaction. Then again, in a way, she was too.

Qingcang's eyebrows furrowed in genuine bewilderment. "What thing?" he asked as Lina sighed, her embarrassment growing. He waited patiently for her to elaborate, but she remained silent.

Finally, Lina broke the silence. "Nevermind. We can't sleep in the same room. That's only for my husband, which I don't have," she said. Qingcang's expression remained unchanged. She sighed again and spoke. "I have a reputation to maintain. If news spreads that I'm keeping a man who's not my husband in my house, my dignity will be ruined."

Qingcang confidently closed his eyes, with a hint of arrogance in his voice, as he declared, "That's easy. I'll kill anyone who bullies you."

Lina's eyes widened in alarm at Qingcang's offer. "NO! Don't destroy my prestige, and don't cause me trouble!" she exclaimed, her intolerance evident in her voice as if she had had enough of his nonsense.

Qingcang opened his eyes and raised an eyebrow, surprised by Lina's sudden outburst. "Are you threatening me?" he asked, his tone challenging.

Lina's expression turned defensive. "I-it's not like I haven't done it before," she retorted, her voice laced with disturbance.

Qingcang sighed, closed his eyes, and shook his head. He thought, 'How much longer must I endure her?' He reopened his almond-shaped eyes and gazed at Lina, waiting for her to continue.

The Moon Supreme, Dongfang QingcangWhere stories live. Discover now