09. as it begins

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A/N: the more sensitive topics are going to appear more frequently from now on so... check the first chapter if you're unsure


The Daily Prophet, Friday the 13th, May 1977

Early in the morning today, just past midnight, a group of Death Eaters; radical blood supremacists led by The Dark Lord, attacked a village outside of Norwich. The onslaught left countless injured and five killed, both wizards and muggles. 

Aurors were quick to arrive on the scene, saving innocent lives. Only one of the perpetrators was caught, a Death Eater by the name of Damien Barlowe. He is currently awaiting trial, presumably being sentenced either a lifetime sentence in Azkaban or the dreaded Dementor's kiss. The latter might be more agreeable.

Barlowe, who only last year graduated from Hogwarts, is refusing to speak or divulge any paramount information. The use of Veritaserum on the perpetrator is being debated.

Authorities have confirmed that they have multiple suspects as well as leads, and will do their utmost to ensure nothing of the sort happens again. They have asked the public to be as calm as possible, and not say or do anything that could provoke prejudice or aversion towards muggles.

They have as well assured, along with the ministry's statements, that they are doing their very best to track down the ambiguous terrorists. As well as the fact that they are sure no more of these attacks will occur, they are confident that they have the situation under control in no time.

In the meantime, muggles, half bloods and "blood traitors" are advised to stay vigilant and careful, especially when travelling in areas densely populated with known supporters of The Dark Lord.

Written by Lorraine Skeeter for the year's 133# issue.


Lily's pale hands trembled as she held the paper, the edges crumbling with the force. Her nails had been chewed down to their nail beds and she was sure there was a hole forming in the hardwood floor, from all of her pacing. 

Friday nights were supposed to be calming; a time to let loose and forget about the stress of the week, even if just for that short while. But this day was everything but. The second the day's news had been delivered, the castle had descended into chaos.

Everywhere you looked there were students crying or nervously picking their nails. Some immediately left to go back home, either by their own volition or their parents'. 

On the other side of the spectrum, there were the ones grinning, wide smiles adorning their faces as they taunted the afflicted. It got so bad that the Slytherin's house points had dropped by nearly half.  

It wasn't that every Slytherin was inherently bad, quite the contrary actually. Slytherins in their nature were determined and ambitious, sometimes self centered. They made for great witches and wizards, often doing very well for themselves.

But with success comes the potential for malice. 

Beside the fact that most Slytherins had been born and raised specifically to be in that house, power corrupts even the lightest of minds. 

No person would be able to stand the test of time with the potential power they wielded.

Peer pressure and societal norms played a heavy part too, normal students getting converted to extremist beliefs out of pure dread. 

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