????️ A Dream Like Death

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Trigger warnings: Hospitals + coma mention :)
Requested by: me hehe
Type: angst
Ships: Lander... kinda


The burning fluorescent hospital lights burn my eyes. It's been a few days since I've woken up from a comatose state, I feel nothing but numbness in my body.

When my young sister shows a drawing she drew in class I can do nothing but blink in approval. When my parents sing to me, my ears purposefully drown them out, as if to cause me more suffering.

My lover, foolish as he was, had the mind to leave, had the mind to tell me directly that my corpse could not provide the passionate love I once did. When he would visit I knew his voice was hollow and he didn't care much anymore.

I remember how he caressed my body, as his fingers seemed to reanimate me, and yet it wasn't enough for him to stay. The feelings I felt when he held me apparently did not spark the same light in him.

I simply do nothing but take. This curse I bare is worse than death. A corpse hooked to expensive wires, a corpse that takes the happiness of others is simply better off dead.


A/N: Hi hi! Tell me how I did on this first one! I'd love to hear your guy's feedback! Sorry that it's so vague and short, once I got to the third paragraph my brain just,,, died on me. ^^'

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