You've Been Hiding in Plain Sight 🍀

56 0 1

Trigger Warning: Mention of throwing up.

Requested by: meowleah

Type: Fluff

Ships: Dracy

In her small pink floral room, Stacy had been doing nothing but groaning.

That... and studying.

It was really the only thing that was on her mind, It was finals season after all! She knew it was in her best interest to sleep in, but it was a monday, and the golden child in her blood demanded to catch up on today's assignments to the dismay of her digestive system, that had groaned and convulsed making her throw up the breakfast she had just eaten that morning.

Being lost in a physics problem she had neglected to hear the front door opening, and the fact that footsteps were now approaching her door, which ended with a quick successions of knocks. Assuming it was her mother, Stacy had cracked open the door to reveal her neighbor, Drew. He held a ceramic tub in his hands presumably supplied by his grandmother based on design alone.

"Hey... I made you something, you're not contagious are you?" He spoke.

"It's just a stomach bug." Stacy laughed, opening the door fully to let him in.

The two sat on the floor of her bedroom, as the magenta haired teen opened up the container to reveal many small pastries covered with a paper towel. He handed one to her as she happily accepts, taking small bites as the other takes one as well.

Stacy had eaten half before she finally piped up, "This is really good! What is it?"

"Arepas con queso, frankly it's the only thing I can make with no help." He sighed bashfully, scratching the back of his head.

"Well, you should probably take up more recipes!"

The two laughed at the idea, as well as other things like all of the drama she had missed that day, the concert Drew was planning to go to over the summer, and the new show Stacy had started binging over the week. As the two rambled on and the sky slowly shifted shades, the once full container was now all crumbs and her bedroom finally smelled of Drew, and nothing else. The teen boy looked out the window and then to his watch sitting snugly on his wrist.

He laughed and slowly stood up, "Ah, my curfews almost up, but..." He averted his gaze as Stacy got up, offering back the tupperware he had brought her like before. "I had a really great time, maybe next time we could hang out, when your not sick anymore that is."

"Of course, how about next wednesday, when the new boba shop makes its grand opening?"

"Deal, but you better not contract something by then." He jokingly rolled his auburn eyes.


Drew laughed and pulled her slender body into a tight hug, instinctively kisses her cheek and quickly scurrying off with his belongings, leaving her fawn skin quickly turning a brilliant pink, as she stood in the middle of her own bedroom.

Her body suddenly became limp as she slumped onto her bed. Where did that come from? Did Drew have any ulterior motives behind his actions?

And more importantly, how can she replay that in her mind forever?


🍋 A/N: JESUS 515 WORDS,cough cough anyways,,, sorry for very little ship content, I may or may not make a sequel where they confess over the phone but yk. Also I abandoned my irl schoolwork for this so I really hope this was worth it :,,)

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 15, 2023 ⏰

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