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Rain's POV

Ple: Now you both need to get married as soon as possible 

Rain: I can't , what would my parents think 

Ple: don't tell them 

Rain: No I want to help I'm just scared

Payu:  its okay ple and I are will ju-

Rain: NO

payu and ple looked at rain confused 

Rain: I'll help , I'm sorry it's just weird 

Payu hugged rain 

Payu : but you can tell us no whenever if it gets to much for you 

Rain: okay 

Ple : we need to get a marriage contract and make it so you're father can't break it, and quick we don't have time 

**************** (A/n sorry I'm lazy so.. moving on)**************

Three days later 

rain is with sky in Sky's condo 

As rain and sky were studying rain thought this might be the time to tell sky he's getting married  

Rain: sky~

Sky: what do you want 

Rain: I'm getting married 

Sky turned to rain with a unreadable look 

Sky: what , wait what do you mean you're getting married 

Rain: In a few days 

Sky: what to who I didn't even know you were in a relationship 

Rain: to...umm... to- 

Sky: TO WHO 

Rain: to payu 

Sky: rain I told you I don't like them him and to add to the list he's engaged 

Rain: look I cant really explain but we're getting married and my parents probably won't be there so I want you to go, It's gonna be a private wedding but I still want you to be there, I'm scared 

Sky look at rain as he sighed 

Sky: Okay I'll be there but I get to hit him at least once for hurting you, I think you're making the wrong decision marrying him. 

Rain rolled his eyes and got back to studying 

*** The next day***

Rain walked down the stairs of his house to find his parents kissing in the kitchen 

Rain: eww really 

Type: oh you're up umm someone called he said his name was payu 

Rain: when 

Type: like two hours ago 

Rain: pa~~~

The door bell rang twice 

Type: get the door would you

rain went to get the door 

as rain opened to door he saw payu 

Payu: hey umm I came to meet you're parents so they don't think I'm a horrible person

Rain: No that's not a ver- 

Tharn: whos at the door , oh hello 

rain let payu walk in and shake his father's hand 

Payu: hello Pa my name is Payu I'm you're son's fiancé 

Tharn could barley breathe the thought of his only child being engaged was an earthquake for him

Tharn: what did you just say !

type walked in to the sound of his husband angry 

Type: what's going on 

Payu: Hello my name is Payu I'm you're son's fiancé 

what type said grabbed Tharn trying to stand

NO you can't have my son so stay away from him Tharn said as he pulled rain away from payu

 Dad, pa~ please I love him  Rain said thinking that would get his parents on board 

Payu: I want to take of your son I love and admire him very much 

Tharn: NO I know who you're father is and who you are I don't approve of this relationship 

Rain: But dad-

Tharn: No go up stairs you will not see this boy ever again 

Rain: pa~ please 

Type: no , you leave this house go 

Payu's POV 

As I left the the house I knew I had to talk to rain I knew his parent were gonna tell him about me and my parents. I had to make him see we weren't that bad  

I saw a vine leading up to a window and I saw rain sitting on his bed 

I climbed up the vine and tapped on rain's window  

he look at me then opened the window 

rain: I'm so sorry about my parents 

Payu: its okay look rain I know my family are seen as scary but once you get to know them they are weird and crazy and overprotective but they are the greatest family ever , my dad is just scared that his title will get taken if I don't get married.  

Rain: It's okay we'll still go through with it sky's gonna come and after we're married we'll talk to them besides I think he'll come around because my dad didn't tell his parents he got married 

Payu: I hope so, rain I'm not asking you because I like you but I love you 

Rain seemed shocked to hear that 

then the door opened and rain pushed payu into the closet 

Rain: Dad what - 

Rain's dad looked very angry 

Rain's dad: Rain why would you even think about getting married to him 

Rain: because we love each other 

Rain's dad: Have you met his parents 

Rain: No but I'm supposed to tomorrow 

Rain's dad: Fine but don't say I didn't warn you 

Rain: Dad come on don't judge P'payu before you even know him, people used to judge me cause of pa but I'm not pa and P'payu isn't his parents 


This is part ONE part two will be published tomorrow 

Thank you , make sure to like and comment please 

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