Venice part two

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I know there was a lot of confusion in the last chapter so I hope this chapter helps clear that away. Please don't be afraid to ask me to clear things up it helps me as an author to be more clear in my writing 


Rain's POV 

SKY HELP ME PLEASE he tried to tell sky where he was but then he heard Venice coming

WHAT are you doing get back here as Venice grabbed ahold of rain's waist

Venice: Now I've got to do something I didn't want to do

Venice smashed his phone

Venice pulled rain back into the same room and tied he down to the bed 

Venice: you know at first I wanted to date you to see where it would go If you could love me 

Rain: who are you because the Venice I knew would never do this

rain wondered why his voice sounded so familiar 

 Venice: It kind of hurts that you don't remember since I was a big part of you're life , I know how you think, what you're secrets are, So there's no escape from me. 

As Venice raised his hand rain felt his mind go black 

*****Flashback *******

Rain was in Highschool , he had just met sky and other than Stop his bestfriend they were the only friends he had 

Rain was sitting with stop and they started talking about what they wanted to do with their life 

Stop: well I'm gonna take over my father's business since I have no choice , what about you 

Rain blushed as he said I want to be a architect I want to build houses 

Stop looked at rain What , what made you want to be an architect 

Rain: Well there's this girl and she wants to -

wait rain you're doing this for a girl Stop said as he turned hi whole body to look at rain

Stop: rain I have something to confess to yo-

Sky: rain, rain come here 

Rain: okay hold on , hey stop I'll be back and then we can continue 

Rain ran to where sky was and stop look at rain in a unbelievable manner  


Sky's POV 

well we have to find him I said as I started crying 

pai held me as I was sobbing 

Payu got out of the car and started walking back and forth 

Pai: would you stop doing that you're freaking out sky 

Payu: SO he was- nevermind  

payu walked off 

Payu's POV 

I walked off angry at pai , and whoever was doing this to rain 

Then I remembered I took a screenshot by accident , I went into my photos 

When I got the address I ran to the place 

When I got there I couldn't see anyone inside so I climbed into a window that was open and looked around 

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