Im gonna bring you home❤️‍🩹

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*Six months later*
I had been in a special care facility for 6 months now whilst Scarlett was back in America waiting for her care certificate to foster me! I haven't been to school since the incident which was nice at first but I really miss Miss B,The doctors said I need to be safe right now, so that's why im in a place where I have to ask to get any of my belongings. I really miss Scarlett.. we FaceTime once a week whilst supervised and then once just us. Our bond is already stronger and I've met Colin over FaceTime as well! Today was pretty normal? I woke up, showered, got changed, had breakfast and then Dr Yash called me to talk to her.
"Hayden ready for a talk" Dr Yash asked.
"Mhm!" I hummed whilst finding yes on my communication cards. My selective mutism hasn't really got much better but I'm better at communicating my needs to others either through cards or through words!
"Alrighty! Follow me" Dr Yash instructed. We walked past all the other rooms until we made it to the sensory room where I do most of my therapies.
"So Hayden I would really like at least some words if you can, tell me how you're getting on!"
"Um." Breath Hayden. You can do this.
"I I am ha happier now" I stuttered out whilst staring at the bubbly fish tank in the corner.
"Brilliant! So Hayden I don't know if you know this but Scarlett is cleared to pick you up so she left America last night because we think we can discharge you into her care!" Dr hash said smiling at me.
"Does that make you happy Hayden?"
"YES.. thank you so much!!" I screamed as tears flew out with happiness. I'm gonna LIVE with SCARLETT!! IN AMERICA! Dr Yash sent me to the front desk to get all my things to pack.

Scarlett's POV:
I was so nervous! I was on the flight to london with Colin because the kids were with my mum and dad for a few days so we could settle Hayden in first. It was a quiet journey because we took a private jet in case Hayden had a panic or something on the way back. Hayden's been in a psychiatric hospital for 6 months because she was so unwell all the time. Our FaceTime calls are weekly and slowly she's been talking to me. She mostly draws things whilst I watch and speak to her! Even though We haven't been talking so much I feel as though we've bonded more! We landed at Heathrow and left our bags in the lounge locker area before heading to the hospital. We arrived at the doors of the facility and I grabbed Colin's arm because I was so nervous to see her again. Would she blame me for this? Would she blame me for Kathleen leaving?! Calm. Calm thoughts. Colin rubbed my arm and smiled at me as he rang the buzzer.

Hayden POV:
I had put all my belongings in a plastic bin bag but still haven't managed to clear my room. All that was in it was  the drawings I've done whilst I've been here but there's a lot of them! As I was about to head to my room I heard the buzzer go off and heard the receptionist say
"Okay come on in Ms.Johansson" I leapt towards the front desk and stood firmly by the door until Dr Yash approached me.
"Hayden you need to pack you can see her in a bit okay?" She said guarding the door. Tears came into my eyes but i didn't want to do anything that would make Scarlett not want me. I'm Normal now I promise. So even though I saw Scarlett and Colin coming through the main doors I dragged my feet back to my room defeated. I bundled up the anti suffocation blanket and put it in laundry, that's when it hit me... I'm leaving! I haven't been in a foster family for 6 months never mind a real family!? How am I meant to cope? I bundled myself up in the corner of my bed like I have done for the past 6 months, when I suddenly heard a voice... a familiar one? SCARLETT!
"Hey Hayden" she said beaming, tears in her eyes.
"Need help taking these beautiful pictures off the wall" she said sitting next to me wrapping me in a hug. I hugged her so tight and felt like I was finally safe. I smiled back at her nodding yes, we got them off the wall and into polly pockets that went into Scarlett's purse.
"Where's your stuff?" She asked whilst I was chucking the rest of my laundry into a big bin.
"Here" I said pointing at the black bin bag in the middle of the room. She looked puzzled and brought me in for another hug. We walked out my room into the reception area and Scarlett, Colin and I all had to sign a few documents and I had to take my medication before they let us go. The buzzer of the heavy brown doors buzzed and for the first time in 6 months I was stepping out of them! Scarlett clutched my hand and Colin's hand and we walked out together.
"I'm freeeeee!!" I shouted once we were in the car park and Scarlett and Colin both laughed and Scarlett picked me up whilst Colin watched knowing I wasn't as comfortable with him yet. We got in the rental car and began driving away.

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