002. compulsion

16.9K 335 48

Derek, Madelyn, and Spencer are in the bullpen, all at their desks. Madelyn's desk is next to Derek's, a small wall dividing their spaces. Spencer's desk is to her right.

Madelyn and Derek are both going through case files and Spencer is playing chess by himself. Gideon walks up and moves a piece on the chessboard.

"Check. Checkmate in three moves." Gideon says before walking away.

"What?" Spencer mutters, looking at the board in confusion.

"You know you'll beat him when you start learning." Derek says.

"Learning what?" Spencer asks.

"To think outside the box." Madelyn says.

"Don't worry, Spencer. You're a genius, you'll figure it out." Madelyn says.

"Have you beat him?" Spencer asks.

"Oh, no. I have not touched a chess board since I was 14 -- when I failed miserably -- and I would like to keep it that way." Madelyn says.

"Question for you." Elle says, walking out of Gideon's office.

"Shoot." Derek says.

"The Footpath Killer, why did he stutter?" Elle asks.

"Come on, Elle, we've all asked him, and he won't say. He wants us to figure it out." Derek says.

"Yeah, he's annoying like that." Madelyn comments.

"Okay. I'm up for a challenge." Elle says, leaning against her desk that's connected to Spencer's. 

"Good, because these go to you." JJ puts a stack of files on Elle's desk. "Special Agent Jennifer Jareau. JJ if you like." She holds her hand out and Elle shakes it.

"Elle." She introduces herself.

"Greenaway -- highest number of solved cases in Seattle 3 years running, specialty in sex offender cases." JJ says.

"Not bad."

"Well, I'm the unit liaison. My specialty is untangling bureaucratic knots. You'll probably be talking to me a lot. My door's always open, mostly because I'm never in my office." JJ says while starting to walk towards Hotch's office. "So just call me on my cell, okay? We'll talk."

"Did you watch it?" JJ asks Hotch as he walks out of his office.

"Yeah. Think everybody should see it." He says. "BAU team, can you meet me in the conference room, please? I need to show you something." He states and they all follow him to the conference room.

"This is from the Phoenix office, Bradshaw College in Tempe, 6 fires in 7 months." Hotch says.

"Who recorded it?" Gideon asks.

"A student with a digital camcorder. He was watching a fire in the building across from their dorm. The other person you'll see is his roommate, 20 year old Matthew Rowland." JJ says before starting the video.

"This is crazy." The student recording says, zooming in on the fire across the street. "Hey, Matt, get over here. You gotta see this. The building's on fire."

"Bro, you getting this?" A guy steps into the frame.

"Is that the kid?" Gideon asks.

"Yeah, that's him." Hotch says.

"Relax, man. There's always fires during rush week."

"Yeah, but that's pretty big. What building is that?"

"Dude, over here. Check this out."

"What is it?"

"I don't know, but it's coming underneath the door."

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