039. in name and blood

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"What, no Hotch, now no Gideon?" Derek asks, walking into the conference room where Madelyn, JJ, and Spencer are.

"No, not yet." JJ says.

"These guys have been out two weeks. You'd think the least they could do is be on time." Derek says.

"Yeah, cause you're never late." Spencer remarks making Madelyn quietly snicker.

"So where's Prentiss?" Derek asks.

"Her phone keeps going straight to voicemail." JJ says.

"Well, this room just keeps getting smaller and smaller, doesn't it?" Derek questions.

"Doesn't it technically kinda get bigger? I mean, less people, more room to move around and share and..." Madelyn trails off with the three staring at her, the woman suddenly insecure. "I'm gonna shut up now."

Spencer slightly frowns at the change in her demeanor, watching her shrink in her chair the slightest bit. Remembering what she always does when he's cut off, he reaches out and gently pats her on the head.

Madelyn gives him a confused look but he just gives her a soft smile.

"Should we wait 15 minutes?" Spencer asks, looking at JJ. She checks her watch.

"We can just brief them on the plane." JJ says. "Right now police taskforce in Milwaukee needs our help." She pulls up four photos of different women. "They've had four murders over the past three weeks, and in addition, another woman has been missing the last two days. They've all been women in their 30s, all married with children."

"Any connection between the victims?" Madelyn asks.

"Just that they've all been abducted from the area of Wauwatosa, all from very public places, but there's no witnesses." JJ says.

"How are we even certain it's the same killer?" Spencer asks.

"Well, for starters... all of the bodies have been dumped in the city's Third Ward." JJ says while clicking through the crime scene photos. "And there's this." She pulls up a picture.

"Is that what I think it is?" Spencer asks.

"I'm gonna be sick." Madelyn mumbles, looking away from the screen.

"All the hearts have been cut from their bodies." JJ states.


The four are on the jet with Strauss who is sitting away from them. Madelyn and Spencer are sitting across from Derek and JJ. They were told that Hotch is asking for a transfer and Emily is resigning.

"You know, from this angle, she almost looks human." JJ comments. Madelyn glances back.

"Meh... I still see Wicked Witch of the West." Madelyn mumbles.

"Has anyone talked to Emily yet?" Spencer asks.

"She was gone before I heard the news." JJ says.

"Now we're down two agents and Gideon's MIA." Derek says.

"Has Strauss ever been out of the offi--" Spencer starts to ask, but JJ quietly shushes him and Derek points a little. Madelyn looks back, flinching when she finds Strauss right next to her seat.

"Correct me if I'm wrong, but I believe it's protocol to brief everyone before we arrive at the crime scene." Strauss says.

"Yes, ma'am." JJ politely smiles. Strauss sits on the couch. "This unsub is abducting women from very public places with no witnesses. He holds them 48 hours, with no sexual assault. And then he dumps their bodies with their hearts carved out of their chests."

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