Best Buds? No. Best Boyfriends (Roy x Robert)

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Fluff☺︎︎ + Angst☹︎

As he and his friends were walking around the neighborhood, Ross noticed Roy looked down. "Hey, are you okay?" Ross asked, which startled Roy.

"Oh, its just.." He begins rubbing the back of his neck. "Ever since I came out as gay, everyone would treat me differently.." He sighs, wiping his face.

Ross felt bad. He knew Roy was gay for awhile, and this is exactly what he feared. Roy getting attacked for being gay.

Robert then hugged Roy from behind. "It's okay Roy! You got us!" Roy blushed and hid his face. Ross noticed his action and smirked.

"Hey Roy, wanna talk behind the candy store?" Ross asks Roy, hoping he would say yes. "Uhh, sure?" They head to the back, leaving Robert confused and left out. Also a little jealous.

As they make it to the back, Ross immediately says, "You like Robert, dont you?" Roy blushes like crazy. "That looks like a yes to me." Ross teases. "S-Shut up!" Roy crosses his arms. "Guys? Are you guys okay back there?" Robert asks. "Yeah!" Ross shouts back.

Robert begins kicking rocks until they came back. He starts to contemplate. "Do I have a crush on Roy? He is pretty cute." He realizes what he thought and blushes.

Roy and Ross return after another 2 minutes. "Hey guys, I'm ready to turn back." They all came from Ross' house. "Alright, let's go." Ross says as they head back.

On the walk they encounter Skid and Pump. Roy grins, as Ross and Robert look at each other. "Here we go again.." Robert face palms.

"Heyyy losers." Roy says towering over the two young boys. He notices Skid and Pump with a voodoo doll. "Oooo, whats this?" He snatches it from them.

"Hey! Give that back!" Pump says jumping, attempting to get it. Skid tries aswell. "Just give it to them." Ross says annoyed. "No, shut up!" Roy clears his throat.

"What would you do for it back, hmm?" He teases. "That looks really cool! I wonder where they got it.." Robert gets lost in thought. "Please give it back, we worked really hard for it!" Skid pleads.

Roy then trys to hold a laugh, but fails. "Hah! These toys are fake as hell!" He throws the voodoo doll. Pump barely catches it.

"Ouch! How did I get thrown..?" Kevin rubs his head. The hatzgang looks in shock. "Holy shit! It actually works!" Robert says excitedly. "Where did you guys get this from?" Roy asks, slightly concerned.

"Oh, some random strange guy." Pump says. "He was nice!" Skid adds. The gang looks at each other. "Take your dumb doll. I want no parts of that." Roy shudders, as they walk away from the kids.

They continue walking back to Ross' house. "Does your mom have hot chocolate?" Robert asks. "Rob this is the 15th time you asked. Yes she does." Ross was annoyed at the moment.

Roy had his hand behind his back, with his head down. "Hey Roy? Are you okay?" Robert asks, going next to him and pulling him close. Roy blushes. "Y-yeah! Im fine!" He pushes Robert off of him. "Guys, we arrived." Ross points at the house.

They all wait for Jaune to open the door. "Oh hey guys! I have hot chocolate!" She lets them all in and begins making hot chocolate. "See Rob? I told you." Ross grins. Robert blushes of embarrassment. "Leave me alone Ross!" He laughs.

About 15 minutes later, Jaune comes in with two cups of hot chocolate. "Ross I'll come back with yours." She hands the cups to Roy and Robert and heads to get Ross' cup.

To try to start a conversation, Robert then asks a question. "Sooo, whats everyone's favorite holiday?" "Christmas." Roy says quickly. "Uhh, i dont know. I dont have a favorite." Ross shrugs. "Well mine is my birthday!" Robert laughs. Ross chuckles with him. Roy stays silent.

"Roy, if you need to vent, I'm here you know?" Robert says, putting his head on Roy's. Roy blushes like crazy. All he wanted is to be with Robert. He wanted to ask him out. He wanted to cuddle him. He wanted to kiss him.

Jaune comes back with Ross' cup. "Sorry I took long, i got, distracted." She smiles nervously and heads back into the kitchen. Ross shrugs it off and drinks his hot chocolate.

Roy was so tempted to just kiss Robert right there, but with Ross there, he could make it more embarrassing.

"Hey Robert, didnt you say you were pansexual?" Ross asks, sipping his drink. "Yeah? What about it?" "Nothing, just curious." Ross smirks at Roy. Roy knew where this was going.

"Anyone, catch your attention recently?" Robert begins to blush. "Well, maybe someone!" Ross looks at Roy then back at Robert. "So who is it? If youre comfortable saying it."

Robert sighs, and rubs his shoulder. "I really want to get this over with. So I'm just gonna do it." He grabs Roy's face, and places a kiss on his lips.

Roy was shocked, but melted into the kiss, wrapping his arms around Robert. Ross just sits there and smiles. He was really happy for them.

The kiss lasted for 5 seconds, then they pulled away. Both blushing like crazy. You would've thought they're Bob's sweater.

"Roy, Robert! You parents are here!" Jaune calls. "Oh, we have to go Ross! Cya!" Robert dashes out. "Enjoy your new boyfriend, Roy." Ross gives him a thumbs up. Roy blushes and smiles slightly. A rare sighting.

As the two boys leave, Jaune walks in to talk with Ross. "So, are Roy and Robert dating? I saw them kissing." Ross smiled. "Yeah. They're meant to be."
ugh i hate this bro but im bored asf and need things to do💀

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