Darling~ (Bob x NB Reader)

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Its not smut.
Bob is definitely gonna be out of character in some parts, i deeply apologize
Y/N goes by They/Them pronouns
uhh enjoy the oneshot

Y/N was sitting on the couch, bored out of their mind. Their husband was out doing "stuff" again. He never spent time with them, and it saddened Y/N.

Y/N then decides to call their friend, since they are so lonely.

After a couple rings, they answer.

"Heyy F/N!!" "Oh! Hey Y/N! Why are you calling at this hour?" "Oh, Bob left me..again." Y/N sighs, wiping a tear. "Ugh! You shouldve left him already!" "I cant! He's just so..damn sexy!" F/N face palms.

"Well Y/N, do you want me to come over?" "Nah, Im good, just wanted to call you!" "Y/N...this isnt the first time."

Y/N rubs the back of their neck. "I know, I really care about Bob and I'm sure he cares about me." "Barely." F/N huffs.

Y/N sighs. Its like yesterday all over again.

Bob eventually comes home. "Hey Darling~!" He plants a kiss on Y/N's forehead.

"Oh, F/N, I gotta go! Talk to you later!" They hang up. "Hey hon, how was work?" Bob smiles. "Interesting." The way he said it creeped Y/N out a bit.

"Well, wanna watch a movie?" "Sure, let me go wash my hands first." He heads towards the kitchen skin. Y/N notices blood. "Honey, why is there blood on your apron?" Bob notices. "Shit, uhh, its nothing!" He smiles nervously.

Y/N raises a brow. "Mhm.." They start looking for a show to watch. Bob sighs of relief as he changes his clothes into something more comfortable, and washed his hands.

He comes back. "Oh, hey honey! I got a movie picked out!" Y/N grins at him. Bob chuckles. "Alright, lets begin the movie."

Y/N cuddles against Bob's chest, as Bob wraps his arm around them. The movie starts and they watch.

Bob isnt really a movie kind of guy, but if Y/N convinced him to watch it, he'll watch it.

Only 37 minutes in the movie, Y/N looks at Bob. "Hon, I'ma make some popcorn. Want some?" Bob nods and Y/N goes to make popcorn.

As they were making the popcorn, they heard snoring. They peek and sees Bob snoring on the couch. They smile. "How cute."

They had back on the couch and lay on Bob, they began watching the movie alone.

Like I said before, Bob isnt a movie person, so he tends to sleep during movies. Y/N adores movies, and can watch them for hours.

As time passed, Y/N looks at the time. They frown. It's 10:00, and they watched only 2 movies. They left Bob on the couch, placing a kiss on his forehead, and they head upstairs.

They get changed and lie down in the bed, sleeping comfortably.

They wake up, and feel something weighing them down. They couldnt move, at all. Turns out Bob moved upstairs with them.

Y/N smiles. "Bob, I gotta go to work.." Bob mumbles something. "Hon, please. I need to make sure Kevin doesnt do anything." Bob gives up and unwraps his arms, letting Y/N go.

"Thanks hon! Love you!" They kiss his cheek, but Bob pulls them again into a kiss. It lasted a minute, and they both pulled away. "Fine, just be safe."

Y/N heads to the bathroom to brush their teeth and take a shower.

Bob decides to make Y/N breakfast. He was an amazing cook!

He gets up, and makes his way downstairs to make breakfast for Y/N.

Y/N works at Candy Club, and sometimes stays really late. When they come home, they usually are tired and ready for bed. Bob, as their husband, would try to make Y/N feel better.

As he grabs his things to cook, he decides to cook Y/N's favorite. (You can imagine your favorite breakfast)

As Y/N heads down the stairs, they see Bob has made their breakfast. "Look darling! I made you your favorite!" He grins.

Y/N smiles. "Awh, hon you didnt have too." You give him a kiss and sit down. You began to eat your breakfast. It was delicious! "How is it?" Bob asks. "Amazing, as always!" They finish theur food and heads towards the door.

"Alright honey, I'll be off now, see you later!" "Love you darling~" Bob flirts, causing Y/N to smile. "Love you too." They wink at him as they close the door.

As Y/N walks out the door, they begin to drive off. They then recieve a message. It read:

𝑰 𝒎𝒊𝒔𝒔 𝒚𝒐𝒖 𝒂𝒍𝒓𝒆𝒂𝒅𝒚 <33

They giggle. "It hasnt even been 3 minutes."

When they arrived to their destination, they see Kevin opening the store. "Youre late, again." He sounded annoyed. "Sorry, I have a husband at home to tske care off!" Kevin rolls his eyes. "Lets go, I wanna get this over with."

"Also, dont mention him any time today! I am NOT in the mood." Y/N could tell something was bothering him, and their mouth was closed.

Bob was at his job, working as well. Until a random thought came into his head. "I wonder what Y/N tastes like."
Sorry its short, and super sorry if its horrible😭😭

✨ur mommy✨

im not funny i'll shut up

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