Pregnant ...

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4th of march 2019

Isabella was holding my hand while staring at the test which was flipped over as we were to scared to see the answer. "I mean I can't be pregnant right we literally did it like twice this cant be real my mum will kill me isabella" you start panicking "lily it's okay we actually have to see what the test says" Isabella try's to reassure me "and pedri what am I meant to tell pedri he's going to break up with me I mean we've only been dating a year and his football it will ruin his career" you stress not even noticing you were flapping your hands about which caused you to hit the pregnancy test off the counter "OMG LILY" she shouts "what Isabella" you moan "you're pregnant" she says staring at you holding the test which she picked up off the ground "NO NO I CANT BE" you cry "I can't be pregnant my parents are going to kill me I swear" you continue "they won't come on lilz it's gonna be fine" she says hugging you "but I'm so scared" you cry while resting your head on her chest "you don't have to talk to your parents right now it can wait a few weeks okay just do it when it's right" Isabella tells you "Thankyou" you say

23rd of march 2019

"Mama y papa I need to talk to you about something important" you say to them while walking into the kitchen and sitting on a stool "what is it angel" your dad says and you just break down "what's wrong" your mum says coming over and hugging you "I've let you down I'm so sorry" you sob "what's happened" your dad asks confused "I'm pregnant" you say crying more and more "oh my gosh lily it's going to be alright" your mum says while still hugging you "is the farther pedri" you dad questions "yeah it is" you say lifting your head up and wiping your eyes "does he know" your dad asks "not yet but I was going to tell him last week but he decided to break up with me which is even better isn't it" you starts crying again "aww sweetie" your mum says hugging you "we will help you through this darling don't worry" your dads says holding your hands

31st of December 2019

"One more push lily come on" the midwife shouts at me acting like that isn't what I've been doing for the past 10 minutes "it's nearly here" the doctor says. Suddenly you hear crying which sets you off . You look over to pedri who's just staring at you smiling "what" you say while crying in tears of joy "nothing your just amazing mi amor" he tells you

Even though I was still madly in love with pedri he wasn't ready for a relationship yet even though we literally had a kid together which was so stupid in my opinion

"Here you go" the midwife says passing you your son "what's his name" your mum asks "it's Caspar" you say "I don't know why but I really like the name and pedri just went with it" you add on.You look down at Caspar and just see his gorgeous face "he looks just like you" you say looking at pedri "handsome then I guess" he says "yeah but he got that from his mum not you" you tell him which makes him laugh "do you want to hold him" you ask "oh yeah sure" he says while you pass him Caspar "wow Caspar Gonzalez I can tell he will be a star footballer just like his dads going to be" he says "Caspar pedro Gonzalez" you correct him "really named after me" he asks shocked "yeah I did tell you that that was going to be his name pedri" you laugh "I don't remember that but wow my little Caspar" he says while tearing up

First and last love ~ pedri gonzalez Where stories live. Discover now