Where were you?

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"And he just decided not to show up Caspar was so upset" you say on the phone to Isabella complaining about pedri "what the hell is Caspar alright" she asks "yeah he's in bed now but he picked out a present and wrapped it himself and wrote him a card. I just feel so bad for him" you moan "yeah it's not fair on you or Caspar" she agrees "and things were going so well between us like old times and i feel like he's kinda ruined it" you keep saying "he might of had a valid reason" she says "maybe but that doesn't give him the right to not tell me that he's not going to show up" you explain "true I say sleep on it and see if he's said anything in the morning" she says "alright yeah goodnight I love and miss you" you say "you too lils and give casp a big hug from me" she says before ending the phone call.

You wake up to a small arm shaking you "morning Caspar" you turn over bringing him into a cuddle "morning mummy" he's cutely says "what do you want to do today" you ask "erm im not sure but i want breakfast" he moans "alright then let's go get you some" you get up

"Cereal or toast" you ask "hmmmm cereal please" he says "alright here you go" you say passing him the bowl when there's a knock on the door. You sigh presuming it's pedri

"Pedri I don't want to tal... oh hey Maria sorry I thought you were pedri" you say embarrassed "no it's fine pedro told me that you wanted me to watch Caspar while you guys talked" she says which confuses you "oh erm pedri didn't tell me that I haven't seen him in like 2 days" you reply "oh I am so sorry lily" she says "no no it's fine. If you wanted to spend time with Caspar you totally can I have some errands I need to do anyway" you lie "are you sure I don't want to be nuisance" she reply's "no your not don't worry about it let me get him ready and he's all l yours" you say walking inside

"Okay Caspar I will see you later have a nice day" you say kissing his forehead "what time should I drop him off" Maria asks "maybe like 3/4 ish if you want" you reply "yeah that sounds great" she agrees walking away to the car

"You're abit late now" you say to him as he walks into the house "I'm sorry lily" he apologises "pedri don't be sorry to me be sorry to Caspar he was so upset you didn't turn up. You promised me and him that you would show up and even if there was a valid reason you could if atleast message and say you weren't coming" you complain "I'm sorry the boys were celebrating my birthday and it completely slipped my mind and I only realised this morning" he tries explaining "it's slipped your mind , how did your son slip your mind pedri. He really wanted to see you yesterday and he was in tears when we got home when I had to tell him you weren't coming" you complain "how can I make it up to you guys" he begs "right now nothing you can do can make me even want to be in the same room as you but Caspar you will have to ask him yourself" you explain "alright then I really am sorry lily" he says while leaving

A/N : I'm sorry this chapters so short but it's better for the next part to be it's own chapter ,, also Thankyou for all the love you have given me 🤍🤍🤍

First and last love ~ pedri gonzalez Where stories live. Discover now