Meet the team

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"Where nearly there" you say pulling up to the training ground in Qatar "alright mum do I get to meet daddy's friends" he asks "erm im not sure you will have to ask him yourself baby but I'm sure he will let you if you ask" you tell him "alright mum" he says sweetly "okay come on where here" you say getting out and unbuckling him "do you want me to carry you or walk" you say "erm carry please" he says putting his arms out.

You guys walk in and head towards the door and see pedri waiting "hey guys" pedri says as you put Caspar down letting him run up to him and hug him "hey Caspar" he says picking him up "hey dad I missed you" he says cuddling into his neck "where's my hug from you" pedri says looking at you putting his arm out "I don't know you will have to find it" you smirk "alright then" he runs over and hugs you tightly "alright you found it" you say pulling away laughing "I've finished training now what do you want to do" pedri asks "meet your friends papa I wanna meet them" Caspar says "is that okay" pedri looks at you "it's your choice I don't mind" you smile "erm sure then come on" he says leading you down a corridor to the locker rooms where loads of guys were fully dressed thankfully

They turn to look at you guys "hey guys this is my son Caspar and his mum lily" he says with a smile "woah I did not know you had son pedri" one of the guys said "well suprise I guess" he laughs "he's really cute" another says. Pedri introduces Caspar to everyone. "Its really nice to meet you" one of them says coming over and hugging you "oh hi it's lovely to meet you to" you say "I'm Ferran" he says "I'm lily" you reply "you should meet my girlfriend sira I think you guys would get along well" he smiles "yeah that would be nice"you smile back

"So what do you think of them all" he says as you pull out of the car park "yeah they all seem nice, ferrans really nice he was telling me about sira I think her name was" you say "yeah he's a good guy" he tells you "did Caspar like them" you ask "yeah especially Pablo I've told you about him havent I" he asks "yeah and I've seen them TikTok edit's your fans made of you two" you laugh "wow you have been looking at me on TikTok" he teases "nah you just pop up from time to time" you giggle

"You guys are coming to the game tomorrow right" he asks "no I just flew all the way to Qatar for fun obviously we are going" you laugh "alright alright no need for the sarcasm" he tells you "have you got a pedri shirt" he adds "no I got a gavi shirt to support Pablo" you smirk "wow that hurts" he puts his hand on his heart "I'm kidding me and Caspar both have shirts we even have a Spain flag" you smile "good I need my top supporters" he looks at you "well we're gonna be there" you look quickly back

"Do you want to go for dinner tonight" he asked once you get out the car going towards the villa you were staying in "erm im not sure I think caspars going to suffer with the time zones but I can always make something" you say "alright yeah what if I invited my friends you could properly meet them not in a sweaty changing room" he proposes "sure but not all twenty something of you" you say "no obviously not just the close ones" he says "alright well should we go find a super market to get some groceries" you say "well I was going to say only if you wanted my family are here and they love spending time with Caspar they could look after him" he also proposes "if they really want to but wouldn't you  rather him meet your team mates properly" you say "no I want them to meet you properly obviously you are his mum and you will maybe make some more friends other than Isabella" he laughs "I have more friends than just Isabella" you say "and how many are in Qatar right now" he says and you stay silent "exactly" he adds on "well you need to ask them if it's alright" you say
"hola mama crees que podrias cuidar a caspar unas horas mientras cenamos" he says "Seguro cariño, déjalo cuando quieras. Tu papá estará emocionado." She replies "bien, ¿y si lo dejo en treinta minutos? ¿Está bien?" He asks "Sí, está bien. Te enviaré el nombre de nuestro hotel." She replied "ok adios te amo mama" he replies "ok adios te amo" she replies

"Hello mom, do you think you could take care of Caspar for a few hours while we have dinner," he says, "Sure, honey, leave him whenever you want. Your dad will be excited." She replies "well, what if I drop him off in thirty minutes? Is it okay?" He asks "Yes, it's fine. I will send you the name of our hotel." She replied "ok goodbye I love you mom" he replies "ok goodbye I love you mom" she replies


"She said she will look after him" he says "I know pedri I do understand Spanish" you laugh "well you only talk in English so I forget" he replies "so should we drop him off then go shopping" you ask "yeah that sounds good" he says

First and last love ~ pedri gonzalez Where stories live. Discover now