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"No, you idiot, hang it over here!" Chie groans, snatching the bauble from Teddie's small hands, and hanging it to the tree. "See?" She says triumphantly. "Perfect."

"It's a bit lopsided," Yosuke smirks.

"Shut it, you," she glares back at him.

"Guys, we're running out of time..." Rise frowns, frantically lighting candles across the room. "Nanako-chan and Dojima-san are gonna be back soon!"

"No, they won't," I smile. "Nanako absolutely adores the Christmas markets. They'll be gone for a while."

"Better safe than sorry," Kanji agrees, laying down plates of sweets and cookies ready for Nanako.

"Y'know, Sensei," Teddie says, stringing the tinsel around the tree; reaching up on his toes. "I'm sure Nana-chan will love it!"

"I hope you're right, Teddie," I chuckle lightly, switching the lights on the tree.

"It's... beautiful..." Naoto remarks, standing backwards to feast his eyes on our hard work.

"You think?" Yosuke sighs, putting his hands on his hips.

"Absolutely," he nods, with a small smile.

"What about the star?" Yukiko asks, referring to the top of the tree.

"We'll let Nanako finish it off," I say.

"Ooh! You're right!" Chie grins. "She'll love it!"

"'Course," Kanji wipes his shirt from the glitter. "Every kid loves Christmas."

"What did you get her, Senpai?" Rise turns to face me.

"A couple of things," I shrug. "I got her a Loveline action figure, as well."

"Loveline!!" Teddie cheers, dancing around in the unused tinsel.

"Don't come cryin' to me when you fall," Yosuke mutters.

"Hey, Senpai?" Naoto asks, looking in one of the spare boxes. "Where does this go?" He holds up a mistletoe for everyone to see.

"Ooh, I love mistletoe!!" Yukiko clasps her hands together, taking it from the confused detective.

"You've never seen mistletoe before, Naoto-kun?" Chie raises her eyebrows in suprise.

He shakes his head. "My grandfather never puts it on display during Christmas."

"Oh, come on," Kanji scoffs. "Haven't you seen it somewhere else?"

Again, he shakes his head. "I've heard of it, but I didn't expect it to be so... spiky." He contracts his hands a couple of times after opening them again.

"Mistletoe are beautiful...!" Rise gasps, hurrying over to Yukiko; brushing her fingers against it.

"Why d'you think Dojima would have mistletoe lyin' around?" Yosuke asks me, watching the girls play with it.

I shrug. "Maybe it's from when his wife was still alive."

"He still hung onto it after all these years, hm?" He thinks.

"You know what they say," I smile. "Love never dies."

"That's sweet."

"What does mistletoe do?" Teddie frowns.

"Uh, basically, if two people stand beneath it together, they have to kiss," Chie explains. "Otherwise it's bad luck."

"But, why?" Naoto cocks his head.

"That's just the rules!" Rise rolls her eyes.

"Oh-hoo..." Teddie waddles over to the plant, and takes it from Yukiko.

"Teddie, what are you–?" She asks.

He holds the mistletoe as high as he can reach above him and Yukiko, puckering up.

"No way," she scoffs, shoving a bauble in his mouth.

"Bad luck for you, Senpai!" Rise sings, rocking back and forth on the tips of her toes.

"Ha! Denied even on Christmas," Yosuke smirks, leaning back against the dining table.

"I- I'd like to see you try!" He huffs.

"Give it here, Ted." I hold out my hand, and he passes me the mistletoe. He knows better than to ask questions.

"What're you gonna do with that, Senpai?" Kanji asks.

I turn back to Yosuke with a sly smile.

"P-partner...?" He laughs awkwardly, as his cheeks get coated in a bright pink.

I raise my hand into the sky; bringing the bush above our heads.

Yosuke bites his lip as I take a step toward him.

"D-dude..." He scoffs. "You can't be–"

I silence him as my lips meet his, and his words become muffled. Regardless of his embarrassment, he clutches me tighter to him, though the kiss remains sweet.

Butterflies even flurry in my stomach. Ha! Am I smooth, or what? Our first Christmas together will be a great one. And one that neither of us will forget.


AN: thanks for reading!:)

hope you have a great christmas!!

word count: 702

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