Chapter One

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"Ma!! I'm gonna go hang out with Jackie for a bit!" You call out, reaching for your front door with a bag slung over your shoulder.

"At this hour?? It's already 7pm, Y/N!" An older woman's voice calls back. You come up with another quick lie. 

"Can I sleep over?!" 

Your mother pauses. You hear footsteps calmly walking towards you.

"Y/N. This better not be about Mr. Mesmer." Your mother leans up against the wall with crossed arms and a knowing look in her eyes. 

'Oh no, she's on to me…' you think to yourself, 'if I back down now, then she won't let me go! To Jackie's or otherwise.' You try your best to keep up the facade.

"Momma, I may be worried, but I'm not just gonna sneak out to find him. That's dangerous! And plus, that mutant hippo guy is still on the loose!"

Your mom raises an eyebrow. "Ouch, should've scrapped that last one. You almost convinced me." She jests with a smirk.

"What-? C'monnnn!" You whine, tossing your bag onto the couch beside you and plopping down on the shoe bench.

"Don't 'c'mon' me Y/N, if there's a dangerous hippo man on the loose, then why would I let you go to Jackie's." She responds, dropping the smirk and picking up a more serious tone. You slide down the bench dramatically.

"Moooooooommmm, please? I promise I'll go straight to Jackie's! Mr. Dean will call you and say-" You put your index finger over your upper lip and deepen your voice, "'Oh yeah, the girls are having a great time! Thanks for letting Y/N stay over! She's a trrreat!' and all will be well!"

She rolls her eyes at you. She must regret allowing you to take theater class. "Hm… you do have a very good Mr. Dean impression. But what's to say you two won't just go looking for Mr. Mesmer after you get to Jackie's?"

"I-" you cut yourself off and think to yourself. "I… don't know…" You sigh in defeat, sliding all the way down to the floor. Your facade was broken. You were tired of no one finding Mesmeron yet, you didn't even know if he was okay! 

Your mother's expression softened as she saw the defeated look in your eyes. She strolls over to you and takes the spot on the floor next to you.

"Y/N, you may think that you're destined to be some great magic wielder or a powerful main character with plot armor, but New York isn't the place for that. Plot armor won't save you from getting kidnapped or hurt."

"Oh yeah?" You perk up with a cocky grin, "-what about that one time when-"

"-When you rode down a hill on your bike in the rain? When your brakes stopped working because they were too wet? When you, and I quote, were 'about to be run over by a bus, but had the genius idea to run into a traffic light pole to stop yourself? And survived?'" She finishes the story for you in an unnamused tone.

"And I've yet to break a bone in my body!!" You state triumphantly, beating a fist to your chest in a moment of very animated pride.

She rolls her eyes at you again, but this time her lips curve slightly upward into a small smile. "And you've managed to keep your scooter intact."

"Wait, are we no longer worried about me almost dying?" You ask, confused.

"No, but that scooter was a birthday gift from your dad and it cost more than your whole damn world." She retorts.

Your e/c eyes widen in shock. You bring your knees up to your chest and wrap your arms tightly around yourself. How could she say something like that? It was probably true, you thought, but that doesn't mean it wasn't hurtful. 

Your mother's eyes widen as well, she quickly rests her hand on your shoulder. "Y/N, baby, you know that's not what I meant. It's just- ..You know he'd want you be safe…" 

She was still right.

You put your hand over hers. "I'll be safe ma… I promise!" You say, looking up at her with hope glistening in your eyes.

This doesn't visibly phase her all that much, but you can tell you've cracked the wall. She looks away in thought, you continue to stare into her soul with the best puppy eyes you could muster.

"You…" she sighs, "You can go to Jackie's."

You spring up to your feet with a fist in the air. "YES!! I'm gonna go to Jackie's! I'm gonna go to Jackie's! Y/N's going to their bestie's!" You chant.

"But!" She interrupts. "If and when you go look for Mesmeron, you have got to be as careful as possible. Not a scratch on your scooter, not a scratch on you, and no illegal shit."

You chuckle slightly, "I still think you like the scooter better than me." You receive a cold glare. "Hah- ah. Yeah." You clear your throat. "I swear on my many, many sketchbooks and unfinished fanfictions that I will not harm the scooter, myself, or my perfect 'no illegal shit' record." You bow dramatically.

She's not exactly relieved or convinced, but she sighs and pats your head. "Get going then, kiddo." She stands with a little help from the couch, dusts herself off, and then walks off into another room. Probably to resume whatever she was doing.

After a moment of staying still, you giggle to yourself and snatch up your bag excitedly. "Love you ma!!" You yell and quickly dash out the door.

"Pfft- Love you too kiddo." Something told her all three of her conditions were about to be broken.


Author's Note!

• 964 Words
• Thanks for reading! I hope you guys enjoy this.
• At least one of those conditions will be broken! XD

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