Chapter Two

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With permission from your mom, you rush out the door of your apartment and almost trip on your way down the stairwell. You make your way down to the storage floor of your apartment complex and hastily unlock your unit. A beautiful, f/c scooter awaited you with a matching f/c bike helmet set onto one of the cold, black seat.

After what felt like hours of pulling your scooter up the stairs, you ask the front desk to watch it while you go lock up your unit. Once you arrive back downstairs, you see a strange elderly man looking into your open unit door.

"Good evening Mr. Collins..." you greet him with a hint of bitterness and a forced smile. "Are you looking for something?"

The old man barely acknowledges you, only turning his head a few seconds after you finished speaking. "Mx. L/N. What brings you here, child?"

'As if he doesn't know I live here.' you thought.

"Just closing up shop. Going for a ride." You drop the smile and grab the door to your unit. As you face away from him and lock up he says:

"Would it kill you to smile properly in front of your elders?" You hear him step back to give you room in the small hallway. You try your best to hide your disdain a bit better.

"I'd hope not." Ehhhhh, that wasn't a great attempt. "Would it kill you to have sympathy for your best friend's wife and kid?" Yeah no, horrible attempt. You failed.

His expression didn't change. "You must think I'm the cruelest man in the world. Whether he was my friend or not does not determine when rent is due. The date does not change and the amount hasn't changed in years." The landlord explained. You turn around to face him.

"Does that mean you were taking a look at what you could sell from our unit? Getting a feel for what's 'soon to be yours?'" You retort. He doesn't respond.

You see a short lived flash of pain in his icy blue eyes before he steps aside again for you to pass. And although you had more to say, your conscience urged you to move on with your mission.

"Well it's not going to happen." You utter coldly. "Not on my watch..."

Once you make it up the stairs to the lobby, you pick up the pace and thank the front desk workers for watching over your scooter. You wheel it outside, slip on your helmet, and hop on.

"Alrighty Y/N..." you mutter to yourself. "Let's go find Mesmeron."


About 10 minutes later, you park your bike in front of a narrow, 3 story residential building and lock it up to the stair railing. It was kind of hard to see since the nearest street lamp died ages ago, but you guide yourself up the stairs using the faint light seeping through the front window. You knock on the door and eagerly await a response.

"Heyo, what can I do fo- Oh!! N/N!!" Greeted an excited brunette sporting light-up cat headphones. You begin to explain your current mission.

"Jackie! Hi, I need a favor. I-"

"Y/N? Is that you?" A shorter girl interrupted you, gently shoving the taller brunette aside to see you.

"Ivy too! Great, I need all hands on deck." You begin again. It seems your adrenalin has kicked into high gear. The shorter of the two girls, Ivy, quickly notices this.

The Hypnotist's Assistant (ROTTMNT Donnie x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now