Chapter 7

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Chapter 7

    "You said that the time you came here was a coincidence and an unlucky one. It happened to be almost dinner time, and I didn't have time to show you around the house. I didn't think that Dashan would go home with you to see the child today... ...

    Why don't you take a look around now? Auntie is cooking, and if she can't come out to show you, you don't have to be cautious, this will be your home from now on, you can go around as you like."

    Shen Huanxi shook her head, she Of course, I want to see the living environment of Chang'an and Changning in the future, but I can't just run away after helping half of it.

    "Auntie, I'll deal with the chicken with you first."

    "Okay, that's okay, I'm serious too, what nonsense are you talking about, there's no reason for you to be familiar with the family alone. But you can sit here now Look, if you want to know anything, you can ask me, about our family, about the mountains, about anything."

    "Yeah." Shen Huanxi nodded.

    In fact, there is nothing to ask. Matchmaker Zhou explained the situation of Xiao Shanhe's family very clearly, including that Xiao Shanhe was injured, and the original unit gave him a large pension.

    He used this pension to buy two stores, and now even if he can't work, the rent of the two stores is enough to live on.

    She is not afraid of being dragged down by Xiao Shanhe, she is more concerned about where she lives.

    Looking around Xiao's courtyard, Zhang Guifen did not shy away from her gaze.

    She has also made it clear to Xiao Shanhe that she married him for the sake of Chang'an and Changning, and she doesn't need to pretend to be in front of Zhang Guifen, just be frank and frank, and let Zhang Guifen know that what she wants is their family's conditions.

    Besides, Xiao Shanhe's legs are disabled, not because his family has some property, and he is from the city, so how could he still be able to figure out others? She can be justified.

    In the 1980s, some urban residents began to have their own private cars. Many newly built houses in the city were no longer surrounded by walls as they used to be, but left a space that could accommodate vehicles to the yard. door.

    Xiao's family does not have a private car, but the main entrance is also a large iron fence door, and the view is not blocked.

    The courtyard faces south. There are five rooms in the north house, four in the east house and four in the west house. There are thirteen rooms in total, and they are built with blue bricks. In this era, it can be regarded as a mansion.

    There is a bathroom near the gate of Westinghouse, and a bathroom next to it. Shen Huanxi is satisfied.

    Even in the city these days, very few families have independent bathrooms. The state-owned hardware factory next door built a dormitory for employees, but there is no separate bathroom. If you want to solve the problem, you have to go to the public toilet in the factory.

    Reborn and back decades ago, Shen Huanxi can adapt to any conditions, except for the bathroom, which is still not used to public ones.

    Of course, these are not important compared to having a good living condition in Chang'an Changning. She only knows now that she is creating a good life for Chang'an Changning. Chang'an Changning will definitely not be as miserable as in her previous life.

    Seeing Shen Huanxi looking at her house seriously, Zhang Guifen felt relieved, and felt that Shen Huanxi really wanted to live with her son.

    "My two grandsons are currently living in the room near the door in the Westinghouse. When Chang'an Changning comes, we can let them live in another room in the Westinghouse, so that their brothers and sisters can live together, and it will be easier for them to cultivate their relationship."

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