Chapter 36

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Chapter 36

    "The agricultural machinery factory is nearby, and the equipment is broken. Let me take a look." Xiao Shanhe explained.

    Only then did Shen Huanxi remember that when she jumped over with Xiao San just now, she did see an agricultural machinery factory, but now that she looks back, she can still see the fence of the agricultural machinery factory from a distance.

    "I went out early in the morning and have been so busy. Are you tired? It's hard work."

    "No." Shen Huanxi shook her head.

    On the contrary, she felt that Xiao Shanhe had worked hard. Before she found out that before he divorced Lan Linxiang, he let Lan Linxiang scold him and refused to pick up extra money. After marrying her, he took it without her asking, she was still very moved.

    But when she thought about it carefully, she felt a little sorry for asking a power engineer to do this.

    "I haven't finished my work here..."

    "Xiao Shen, this is your lover. If he comes to see you, just accompany him. You have done the most work today and the best work. We big men don't know what to do." Sorry." Director Zhou's voice happened to interrupt Shen Huanxi.

    The rest of the male colleagues also agreed.     "You are a female comrade

    , you work so hard, and you have built three more trees than me. I am a gay man, so I am ashamed of myself."

I don’t know why Xiao Shen’s movements are so sloppy.”

    “Xiao Shen, rest, we have so many gay men, we can’t let you, a lesbian, do so much more than us, or we will lose face when we return to work. I can't even hang it up."


    The voices of colleagues came from far and near, and Shen Huanxi simply put the rope and plastic sheet back in his hand and jumped on Xiaosan.

    "Okay, the rest of the trees will be handed over to you."

    After speaking, she returned to Xiao Shanhe.

    "Actually, you don't have to work so hard." The couple said in unison.

    The next second, both of them froze for a moment, then looked at each other and smiled again.

    "Shanhe, my monthly salary is 45 yuan for more work, and 45 yuan for less work. I work more purely because I love it. I have this passion, so you don't have to think I'm hard.

    You don't Same, you are doing train power design, and you are asked to take over small jobs in the machinery factory, which is a little overkill..."

    Shen Huanxi thought of the drawing of the oil press drawn by Xiao Shanhe, which was similar to the train power drawing he drew The comparison is simply a comparison between first grade math problems and advanced mathematics.

    Xiao Shanhe smiled.

    "I'm also passionate... One day, if you have time, take your passbook and go to the credit union with me. A sum of money has arrived."

    "Ah... um." Shen Huanxi nodded, feeling a warm current flow through her heart.

    Xiao Shanhe doesn't earn much money, but he is willing to earn money for her. The passion he was talking about was earning money for her.

    "When I was in the agricultural machinery factory, I heard the workers mention the matter of afforestation. Their unit has set quotas every year for these years. This area was planted by members of the nearby commune. More than 3,000 trees have been planted, and these have survived.

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