Good Girl Gone Bad (A Louis Tomlinson Love Story)

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Maddie was sitting on her bed, home alone again, writing in her book. '"I love you, beautiful." He whispered in my ear.' She wrote. She sighed. I'm bored. She thought to herself. She closed her book and set it to the side. 'Beep, beep.' "Crap!" She yelled. Her phone was almost dead. She plugged her phone into the charger and went downstairs.  

She made herself a mug of hot chocolate. 'Might as well get a snack.' She thought, reaching for the cabinet. "Mmmm.." she said, realizing she made scones the other night.  

'Diiing. Diiing. Diiing.' Her hot chocolate was ready. She grabbed a blanket from the hall closet and nestled up on the couch. Checking the clock, Maddie realized it was 10:35. 'Greaat. Forgot to call Katie.' She thought. Katie is Maddie's younger sister. Katie's 14 years old.  

Checking the guide, Maddie saw her favorite show, Vampire Diaries was on. "Ooh." She said. Hitting info, she saw it was a rerun from the first season and she'd seen it only 100 times. Nothing good was ever on tv Saturday nights. Maddie shut the tv off, and decided to read the last few chapters of her book, Safe Haven. Having finished the book, she called BayLee, her best friend.  

"Hello?" A Salvadorian voice said on the other line.  

"Heeey." Maddie said.  

"Are you really calling me at 11:35 at night?" BayLee asked.  

"Yes." Maddie's voice suddenly became low, and disappointing.  

"What's wrong?" BayLee asked.  

"I'm home alone, again." Maddie rolled her eyes.  

"I'm sorry, honey. Do you want me to come over there?" BayLee asked, even though she didn't sound too thrilled about it.  

"No, my parents made it perfectly clear: nobody could come over, and I couldn't be anywhere passed 10, unless I'm staying the night." Maddie explained to BayLee.  

"Well, I'll stay put." BayLee chuckled.  

"Hold on a minute, someone's calling." Maddie told BayLee.  

"Hello?" Maddie asked.  

"Honey." Maddie's mom said.  

"Yeah?" She asked.  

"Our flight has been delayed, we're going to be a little longer.  

Maddie rolled her eyes, in disappointment, not disbelief, disappointment. She's use to that. That's usually the only time they'll call. "How much longer?" Maddie sighed.  

"We're sorry honey, but we're not sure, yet."  

"Kay whatever."  

"I love you, honey."  

"Yeah." Maddie clicked back over to BayLee.  

"Who was it?" BayLee asked.  

"My parents."  

"Ooh. What did they say?" BayLee asked, hoping it'd be good news.  

"Their flight was delayed." She said.  

"Oh, noo.. I'm sorry honey." BayLee said. "It's fine," Maddie said. "Can I call you back?" She asked her.  

"Sure thing." BayLee told her.

Once they hung up, Maddie layed in the quiet, still darkness, thinking. She thought about how her parents were always gone. Either traveling by car, plane, bus, or train- no matter what it was, it was always a business trip.  

She called BayLee back about 15 minutes later, but BayLee didn't answer. 'Beautiful. She must have fell asleep." Maddie said, aloud, but herself, obviously.

Maddie shut the lamp off in the living room and left only the srove light on in the kitchen. As she went upstairs, on the 18th step, her white fluffy Persian cat, Jace, lay asleep. She picked him up and took him to her bedroom.  

When she got to her room, she checked her phone. 3 text messages, 4 Facebook notifications and 2 updates for her apps. "Too bad I don't care." She told herself. 11:45. She went to sleep with her kitty cat, Jace.

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