Chapter 3

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"I've been hearing some talk," Nam told him one day when he had gone to the medical office to pick up his prescription.


"What are you doing with my friend?"

"I thought you knew we were together," Tian had responded innocently.

"Meung. You're the one with the weak heart. But I'm worried that I'm going to have to treat Phu for a heart attack soon. And if you haven't already noticed, resources are scarce up here."

Tian sighed. And after months of tormenting his boyfriend, finally blushed at his own actions. "I can't help it. It's just so...beautiful."

"What is?" The good doctor looked puzzled now.

"His blush. I had seen him get flustered, but never his blush until a few months ago. When Huana gets really embarrassed, his cheeks get this rosy hue that just-"

Doc Nam had started his imitation of a goldfish when he first heard Tian say the word "blush," and it took him a few moments to put a stop to it.

"Oi! Nong! You can stop now! That is more than I needed to know!"

Tian laughed at the doctor's sudden discomfort.

"I can't believe it. First, I dealt with pushing Phu towards you, then with his lovesickness when you had that falling out, then with his moping while you were away, and now you're telling me you're addicted to his blushes. Are you both trying to start a new branch of "Love Medicine" here?!"

"You asked. But I don't know why he's so embarrassed. You see how he is when you, or Rang, or Yod are around. The man has no shame. It's not even like we're hiding that we're in a relationship. Everyone knows that we live together, that we sleep in the same tiny bed."

"You really should think about replacing that bed. Yod keeps on complaining about the noise."

Tian blushed a darker shade.

"Tul's cousin owns a furniture factory. I'm having a custom bed and mattress made. They'll deliver it by the end of the year."

"Oh-ho! This is the advantage of having connections. I need a good bed too. Introduce me to your friend, but make sure to mention that I am a government employee and don't make much money. I just make sure that all the people protecting us are healthy."

"Doc, your wife has her own pediatrics practice in the middle of Bangkok."

"Well, if you leave that part out, the rest is still true. Now, about Phu. How much has he told you about his family?"

"His father was a ranger too and was shot on duty. His mother died when he was not too old. There is not really any other family to speak of. He thought of Torfun as a sister and considers this village and you as a part of his family now."

Nam slammed his hand on the table, "Exactly! He is the adopted child of Pha Pun Dao Village! I told you he's the big kid. Everyone loves him and treats him, and now you, as their own. And in return, they are his family...his mother, his father, grandparents, aunts, uncles, brothers, and sisters. With me and the rangers, we're still his friends and brothers-in-arms, so he doesn't feel shy. But with the villagers, he's like a village bride who's shy about her engaging in physical affection in front of the elders."

"I felt like that too at first, but it's been months now."

"You're a city boy Tian. He may be older than you, but you've seen and done much more than Phu. He's the real innocent in this relationship."

"He doesn't act like that at home. In fact, when he first pulled away at Khama's house, I was upset because I thought it was because he was ...well..."

"What? Ashamed? Because you're men?"

Tian nodded, feeling a little sheepish now, and Nam cackled.

"Hooooeeyy! It's a real shame, because if it was possible, he would have officially made you his husband the first day you were back. Don't you know that I, Khama, and Longtae were the ones to convince him to go see you off? That night, he came back and got drunk and cried about how much he loved you, how much he missed you, and how he didn't think he could deserve you even if you came back. It's just that he's more reserved about these things when he's sober."

Tian's chest hurt at the idea of Phupha moping for him and at how much he was truly loved by the older man.

"But, let me tell you, Nong Tian, you keep pushing him like this, and you will be in for some trouble. Mark my words."

Tian ruminated on Nam's words as he walked back. It really was like an addiction. His dopamine pathway had gotten a taste of a glowing, scarlet-faced Phu, and he just could not get enough of it.

The man in question was waiting for him at home with dinner already prepared.

"Did you get your medicine?"

"Right here!" The pill bottles rattled noisily as Tian shook the bag in his hand.

"Good! Dinner's ready. Come on." Tian put his medications away and smiled, thinking about his talk with Nam as he ladled the hot soup into his bowl when two arms sneaked around his waist, holding him tightly against their owner. Phupha buried his head in the crook of his neck and took a deep breath as if trying to fill his lungs with Tian's scent.

"Long day?" Tian asked.

"Hmm, too long not seeing you," Phupha responded, placing his lips on the neck he had been sniffing, and Tian squeaked as the bristles of Phupha's stubble teased his sensitive skin.

"Huana! Stop! I'll spill the food."

"Just for another minute."

Tian shivered when this memory popped into his head the next day as they walked the children to the tea fields. It was the last harvest for this picking season, and the whole village was walking up the hills that day to help, as was tradition. There would be a feast and probably another karaoke party in the village center that evening.

"Are you cold?" Phupha asked and took a quick glance around before feeling Tian's cheeks and forehead. "You're not coming down with anything, are you?"

Tian laughed and reached for Phupha's hand, interlacing their fingers. "I'm okay, Huana. I'm not cold."

When they reached the tea plantation, the Chief tried letting go, but Tian's grasp remained firm.

"Tian.." The older man hissed at him.

"It's okay, Huana Phupha," Meeju's father said, coming over and handing them both baskets. "The good thing about these baskets is that you can still hold them while holding hands. I think I may go hold my own wife's hand." His wife laughed and held out a hand to him before they strolled off, giggling like young lovers.

"You may have started a new tradition here Kru Tian!" Khama said, and Phupha's face glowed red again as Tian reached over again after wearing his basket. And as they made their own way down the fields, Phupha whispered, "Don't think I haven't noticed. You've been very mischievous lately." But he didn't let go this time.

Later, happily drunk and feasted after a day of hard work, the karaoke machine was brought out again. Tian had just started cuddling up to his boyfriend when Nam called him out, "Now, now, Nong Tian, I think it's time for you to sing us something."

Looking through the choices, Tian smiled before picking out a song and announced, "I think I'll go with one we all know well." And with that, he started, "I beg the wind to please blow my heart. From the north, far away. Floating far away through the distant sky..."

Another blush adorned Phupha's face as the rangers sitting around them laughed at the memory of Tian's welcoming ceremony. Tian's voice cracked as Phupha started towards him, but he couldn't escape the long strides and was caught quickly before he could flee.

"Nhoo!" The look on Phupha's face caught Tian's breath because it was in equal parts exasperation, humor, and adoration. Tian stood rooted to the spot as his Huana gave up his fight and kissed him in full view of their friends and village family instead of saying anything more. Hollers and shouts of laughter surrounded them as they came up and it was hard to compare whose cheeks were rosier.

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